Glad you've got the HV toola already, so you're safe as can be, as I do genuinely worry about you messing about with a system with so many angry pixies in it... I am however disappointed to hear that I won't see any videos presented by you wearing this hair do:
Sorry to disappoint you. :p
Edit: or perhaps I should say I sincerely hope to disappoint you. :)
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Forgive me for speaking out of turn here, or possible even overstepping the mark, but I'm going with a hunch and will say that I can probably, almost certainly, handle disappointment better than you can handle electrocution, as such I support your goal of hoping to disappoint me :)
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Forgive me for speaking out of turn here, or possible even overstepping the mark, but I'm going with a hunch and will say that I can probably, almost certainly, handle disappointment better than you can handle electrocution, as such I support your goal of hoping to disappoint me :)
I fully intend to blag food, bed and booze off as many of you ugly barstewards as I can. :p
Not necessarily in that order. :cool:

Charging could be an issue for long trips though as a 37kWh pack charging at 2kW will take around 18 hours to charge from empty to full and the SW is over 500 miles from my home. :eek:
We have decent charging points at my office in our highways depot, not that that is much good to you for the way down.
I'm pretty sure between Nodge and I we can look after you
Thanks mate, now I just need a couple of members between Liverpool and Cornwall daft enough to let me crash for a few hours and charge the car. :p

But let's not get excited. There is a lot of work to do between now and then.
Thanks mate, now I just need a couple of members between Liverpool and Cornwall daft enough to let me crash for a few hours and charge the car. :p

But let's not get excited. There is a lot of work to do between now and then.
Chop chop.

If only there was a well established member in the fine city of Stoke on Trent maybe or somewhere around there... @teddywood1
Thanks mate, now I just need a couple of members between Liverpool and Cornwall daft enough to let me crash for a few hours and charge the car. :p

But let's not get excited. There is a lot of work to do between now and then.
There's a bunch of Tesla chargers at the Gordano services at Bristol, if that helps.
Or if you're able to just plug into a 13 amp socket, when you get to Taunton you can plug in at mine.
Charging could be an issue for long trips though as a 37kWh pack charging at 2kW will take around 18 hours to charge from empty to full and the SW is over 500 miles from my home.
You'll need to increase the charging speed to make road trips viable. Alternatively I suppose you could always stay at string forum members houses on the route you are taking, 'borrowing' some electric while there.
It would be a slow journey though.

Are you planning on adding some form of battery output monitoring, so you can see which gears are best for keeping current draw to an minimum?
You'll need to increase the charging speed to make road trips viable. Alternatively I suppose you could always stay at string forum members houses on the route you are taking, 'borrowing' some electric while there.
It would be a slow journey though.

Are you planning on adding some form of battery output monitoring, so you can see which gears are best for keeping current draw to an minimum?
I figured out a way of using laptop PSU's to charge the battery pack but it relies on me carrying 20x 19V 6A PSU's wired in series. In theory I could rig this up to charge in parallel but it would be very very sketchy. :eek:
There are other ways to do it but that is very much for another day.

As for monitoring, I am hoping I can use the current shunt in the Leaf contactor block but failing that I should be able monitor the voltage sag on Leafspy to achieve the same thing. It may not be as accurate but is something.
There's a bunch of Tesla chargers at the Gordano services at Bristol, if that helps.
Or if you're able to just plug into a 13 amp socket, when you get to Taunton you can plug in at mine.
Sadly Tesla chargers will not work for me but if I can steal electrons from you or others that will be very much appreciated. :)

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