I like the drive coupler he used to bolt to the flywheel, although I'm not convinced a flywheel or clutch is actually much use, and the heavy flywheel will hamper motor acceleration a lot.
It would be interesting to see how it works out. ;)

BTW guys I started a new contract on Monday that means I may be a tad quite on updates for a while. I get home knackered each evening so no playing at all done this week.
Hopefully as I settle in to the work I'll have a bit more energy in the evenings but don't be concerned if not much happens for the next 10 weeks or so. ;)
The good thing is it is well paid work so hopefully will have a breather when finished. :)

On that front I finished making the plate above and it is a near perfect fit.

This is how it fits in the OEM plate


And beside for comparison.


I was all pleased with myself for making it fit so well, then went in the house for a pee and while standing there it suddenly occurred to me.
Why did I bother to make this plate when I could just weld to the original?

When I first started I think I was under the impression that I couldn't easily remove it but it came out with no probs.
The OEM plate is stronger and the plan is to weld on some kind of bracket so I can bolt on the carrier for the Inverter etc.
So should I use my new plate or weld to the original one? What do you think

I think I've no choice for the gearbox side but to make a bracket so hopefully will make a start on that this weekend
I'm a bit lost as to what the plate is for!! o_O been back through the thread but can't work it out!

Looks a fine job, if strength is the thing needed why not weld them together then weld to it??!
I'm a bit lost as to what the plate is for!! o_O been back through the thread but can't work it out!

Looks a fine job, if strength is the thing needed why not weld them together then weld to it??!
I need to build a support for the frame that will hold my inverter and several other things. For several reasons I don't want to weld directly to the car or create any more holes than absolutely necessary for bolts or anything else.
With all this in mind I decided to use the plate that supports the upper engine tie rod, initially I planned to make a plate that would sit inside the original one with a bracket welded to it and secure them both with the original bolts but now I'm wondering if there is any point.
Perhaps it would make sense if I welded this to the oem one to double the strength of it but I'm not sure it is necessary.
I'd use the strongest plate myself Ali. ;)
Thanks mate, I'm not sure welding the two together would add much strength so I'll do what you say. :)
Anyone looking for a slightly small not quite strong enough upper tie arm support plate. :p
I'm beginning to think we should get Ali fired from his new job so he can devote more time to the EV project for our entertainment.... :p

Free bump so you don't have to rummage for this thread on page eleventeen when you get round to updating it.
I'm beginning to think we should get Ali fired from his new job so he can devote more time to the EV project for our entertainment.... :p

Free bump so you don't have to rummage for this thread on page eleventeen when you get round to updating it.
LOL, thanks a bunch mate :mad:. With friends like you...........

If it helps any I made a couple of brackets. ;)

Look carefully at the one on the left


A wee bit of welding and grinding later and the hole in the wrong place is gone. :p
Only thing is I somehow forgot to weld up the smaller hole on the side but I'll do that when building the cradle. :oops:

The idea is to use existing holes and bolts wherever possible to help ease getting through inspection. As mentioned earlier I need to make a cradle to support the inverter and various other bits so I plan to weld the frame to these brackets on the passenger side and the triangle shaped upper tie arm support on the drivers side.
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Do you what sort of inspection is needed for this conversion Ali?
I believe it depends very much on the person in the DVLA. In the rest of the UK some cars get a full inspection and the owner gets asked all sorts of questions about who did the conversion and others only have to put it through MOT.
Of course here in NI our local village idiots like to be different to the rest of the UK regarding road laws, even though half of them are currently jumping up and down in rage that we're being treated differently over trade. The ironic thing is they were the ones very much in favour of Brexit and the stupid plonkers never thought it through. :rolleyes:
This means I really don't know what to expect when I apply for a change to EV as I don't know anyone else here who has done it. :confused:
To be honest I'm kinda winging it in the same way I am with the rest of the conversion. I'll jump that hurdle when I reach it but in the mean time I'm still having a lot of fun. :)
Nice work on those brackets, your work with plate is always good. I'd suggest you write to the local DVLA / VOSA equivalent and ask them what is and isn't allowed so as to get them to define where the goalposts are, and if you get it in writing you can always refer to the letter if the examiner later tries to shift the goalposts?
Nice work on those brackets, your work with plate is always good. I'd suggest you write to the local DVLA / VOSA equivalent and ask them what is and isn't allowed so as to get them to define where the goalposts are, and if you get it in writing you can always refer to the letter if the examiner later tries to shift the goalposts?
I've probably been a little disingenuous as I'm not entirely ignorant of what is required.
The bottom line is don't cut anything or make holes in the car and you won't have any issues. Make holes or cut bits off and you are at the mercy of the inspectors so the smaller the holes and fewer the better. No amount of information collected before hand will help since everything is down to interpretation.
Worse still the sort of information likely to be sent from the DVLA/VOSA office will probably come from junior office staff who haven't a clue and will/could send the wrong information.

Here is the thread where it is discussed.

Have a look here to see how ridiculous the situation is regarding Road Tax
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I got a bit more done over the last couple of days. :)

First I spent ages trying to place the inverter in the optimal position. Should I fit it as high as possible and put other stuff under it or as low as possible and put stuff on top? There are pros and cons to both. If I try to fit batteries in the same area will the drivers side mount (upper tie bar support) be strong enough to support the extra weight? Will there even be room for batteries? Have I accounted for everything that needs to go here?
In the end I said stuff it and started tack welding bits of steel together so that I could see what I had to play with and what issues I would face. I decided to place the inverter as high as possible as it makes connecting the inverter to the motor much easier this way, I don't want to mess about with the phase wires between the inverter and the motor as they are very high quality shielded wires so it just makes life easier to keep them as they are. Having said that I don't think I will be able to fit much under the inverter so I might yet try rejig things and put it lower.
This is a mock up of the position, I cut the OEM cradle down and welded in some supports with the intention of reusing it but changed my mind


First test fit on the new cradle
IMG_20211017_132006325 (1).jpg


After trial fitting the inverter and checking the bonnet didn't touch it (I have around 10mm between the top of the inverter and the sound deadening felt on the bonnet) I decided to make sure I could remove the new cradle before making it any more solid.
Prizes in the post to the first who spots my "painting myself into a corner" issue. :oops:

I was able to get it out without cutting anything (just) but will need to move the offending support. That should be easy to do as everything is only tacked together but it did make me chuckle when I realised. :D
Should I fit it as high as possible and put other stuff under it or as low as possible and put stuff on top? There are pros and cons to both.

Where was it on the original vehicle?
I'd try to fit it in the equivalent position if possible. ;)
Where was it on the original vehicle?
I'd try to fit it in the equivalent position if possible. ;)
It was pretty much where I have it now as the phase wires fit nicely but it shouldn't matter too much though as they are fairly flexible.
I'm beginning to think that Ali likes his current (relatively new) contract, as since I suggested we conspire to get him fired from it to allow him to resume the EV project for our entertainment, he's really been making good progress, save for the fact he welded a support on in such a way as he (almost) couldn't remove it because the bottom left bolt was obscured. @Alibro Do you need me to pm you my address for the prize? Seriously though, you're doing well.
I'm beginning to think that Ali likes his current (relatively new) contract, as since I suggested we conspire to get him fired from it to allow him to resume the EV project for our entertainment, he's really been making good progress, save for the fact he welded a support on in such a way as he (almost) couldn't remove it because the bottom left bolt was obscured. @Alibro Do you need me to pm you my address for the prize? Seriously though, you're doing well.
1. Any contract that pays the bills I like. This one I like even more because my Mrs is able to help and so the bills get paid for twice as long for the same effort from me. ;)
2. I thought this contract would be for 8 - 10 weeks but it now looks like it will last until Christmas or longer so more like 14 weeks or more. :)
3. Resuming the project may have more to do with getting away from said Mrs after a full day working with her than your scheming! :p
4. Although you may feel this whole project is solely for your entertainment I can assure you it is more to do with my sanity. Or lack of it. :confused:
5. You get FIRST PRIZE for spotting the trapped Tie bar bolt. The prize is worth double wot I paid out last time so watch for your cheque in the post. Don't worry, I'll just guess your address. :cool:

Thanks for the support tho guys because I need the odd kick in the pants to get me going again. :rolleyes:
As the frame in the photo's above needs to be supported by the front battery box/Power Steering frame, I decided to do a bit more work on it.
Nodge and I have discussed the possibility of using an electric power steering column instead of the hydraulic system and we may still give that a try at some point but I have this system working so I'm going to forge on with it.

The Alternator I showed in my last video has been bolted down to the frame and the support for the pump has been beefed up a bit so is now it all lines up nicely.

The top bolt for the pump is slotted to let be adjust the tension


I cut two bits of angle and welded them in to hold the alternator down.

I have a new Sine Wave controller and hope to get it working soon so will report back.
Looking good Ali. Don't discount the EPS column, but as you've got a working system, don't spend too much time on the EPS either, unless your current system doesn't do everything you need.
Looking good Ali. Don't discount the EPS column, but as you've got a working system, don't spend too much time on the EPS either, unless your current system doesn't do everything you need.
At the minute I just want to get the thing working and tested. The plan was always to use this car as a Test Mule and transfer the parts to a better car.
When I get that far I'll make the decision about the steering rack. ;)
I believe it depends very much on the person in the DVLA. In the rest of the UK some cars get a full inspection and the owner gets asked all sorts of questions about who did the conversion and others only have to put it through MOT.
Of course here in NI our local village idiots like to be different to the rest of the UK regarding road laws, even though half of them are currently jumping up and down in rage that we're being treated differently over trade. The ironic thing is they were the ones very much in favour of Brexit and the stupid plonkers never thought it through. :rolleyes:
This means I really don't know what to expect when I apply for a change to EV as I don't know anyone else here who has done it. :confused:
To be honest I'm kinda winging it in the same way I am with the rest of the conversion. I'll jump that hurdle when I reach it but in the mean time I'm still having a lot of fun. :)
I think it’s a bit more than trade making them jump up and down

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