
New Member
My mechanic has 3 different ECU's I have provided him. He 'reprogrammed' one and is still receiving error messages when he runs the vehicle.

He said that he was told by the dealer that one must purchase a new ECU or a remanufactured one, not just use one from anorther Freelander.:(

Whats the facts? I understand that one must match up the exact model number which I have done.

Making me crazy-


PS Happy Holidays to everyone:)
Thank you for the PM,your main dealer is partly right when they say you need a new engine ecu,this is because they come in "new born state". When you code them up with Testbook they also pair with the immobilisation ecu - for life.So the only way to use a secondhand ecu is to make sure you get the immobilisation ecu that it was paired to in its original car.
Why do you need a new ecu,they are generally reliable.
Ok you two. Stop being such katty putzes.

Some of us are working way too much,and haven't had to reply. My apologies.

I work for DOD, equivalent to Britains MOD, and we have a couple of little conflicts going on overseas right now.

I was 'told' by the dealer that the main engine ecu had gone bad. That was supposedly why I needed a new one. Along with that, either the tranny or the tranny ecu had gone bad,causing major slippage problems and ultimnate destruction of the tranny,taking the engine with it.

Along the way, i went through 2 heater core failures, one causing a chemical reaction to the right foot, and then there's the grinding since new coming from the rear end-also listed as 'normal' by the dealer.

I am finally hopefully going to get this thing running right after 2 1/2 years, -another engine, another tranny, another drivetrain and rear end, all cv joints, etc. so I can get rid of it.

I just need this last step completed first.

Thanks for helping-


How's that for a response:)
After putting an extra 12-16K into repairs, yes it would have been.

The vehicle costs like 25K, i still owed more(and still do) than what it's worth, SO I tried the reapir route.

I have done everything it should need, except for getting this computer thing right.

Someone asked earlier for the VIN and told me that they could tell me which ECU brand even that I was supposed to have .Here it is:


Thanks if you knoiw anything!

Oh, and sorry I called eightinavee and his partner in crime putzes.

I just really am too busy to have to mess with all of this when I should have a perfectly cool, nice Landrover to actually be driving:) and they sounded so katty.

Will not go over 30, ends up in limp mode.

Missfiring cylinders.

Had a trouble with intake fan motors code-changing these out corrected that.

I will have to ask my mechanic for what codes remain.

He said they were tied in with the engine ECU.

He was unable to reprogramme them to go away.As soon as he started it up, they came back.


Its much more likely to be coil packs or injector wiring issues than the ECU itself,has your tech scoped all the coil inputs,plug leads and injector wires ? If not then he needs to,its no good going to all the trouble and expense of replacing the engine ECU only to find a burnt out coil pack.
As a test he actually replaced all the coil wires, plug wires,etc. at no charge.

The same codes came back with no diff in performance.


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