mine had a squeeky whistling noise from under the floor turned out to be the bearing s on either side of the vcu
You need to get it up on a lift and spin the shaft and have a listen
their not to expensive just a pain to fit!!
Booked it into the local garage this week, but took my Dad out for a short drive first. He got the rear passenger footwell and stuck his ear to the floor - he thought it was coming from directly underneath the handbrake - the VCU.
Took it to the garage, told them what I knew it wasn't, and about everything I'd tried, and left it with them. A couple of the lads took it for a drive. Then they got it up in the air and ran it. They (3 of them) were sure it was the IRD or the gearbox.
They started stripping it down this morning - once they dropped the prop they decided to run it again - no noise.
I was right - it was the rear VCU bearing that had started to go. It was fixed by dinner-time !!
The lads were surprised that it was making the noise it did - usually whines, but mine sounded like a helicoptor. I was also beginning to get a vibration, which must have been a slight wobble on the shaft.
So, there you have it.
Cost me £175 - they got the new bearing from Landrover for about £70+VAT, which they said they thought was a bit steep, but it was complete with the rubber bit and everything. Either way it was better than the IRD.
It sounds lovely and quiet now, which is great except I can now hear a hint of a hum coming from the rear offside wheel bearing...... that can wait though.
Thanks to everyone for their input. x
glad it was a reasonably cheap (for freelander) fix for you fluffs. don't be a stranger just 'cos you haven't got a problem anymore - keep reading and you'll find lots more threads to make you lose sleep !
I was right - it was the rear VCU bearing that had started to go. It was fixed by dinner-time !!

I've got an annoying squeak that sounds similar - have had two garages claim to have "fixed" it by adjusting the handbrake, but neither fix has worked.

With mine the noise goes away if the handbrake is engaged slightly. However, when the handbrake is fully released it comes back again fairly soon. Does this sound familiar or is it definitely a handbrake adjustment I need.

I've sat in the passenger seat while it's being driven and the noise seems to come from underneath the handbrake lever, as you described.

Hi im a newbie so hello one and all this sound like the problem i am having and it is driving me nutts my local garage just quoted me £800 io fit a new VCU is this about right?
Well - depends wot they charge for labour - its an easy job to do yourself and Ashcroft transmissions only charge £370 for a noo one. Then all yu gorra do is fit it - not a difficult job apparently.


or they also do a "Fitting Service - We are able to offer a all-inclusive same-day fitting service which includes the new unit, removal and refit, VAT and free use of a courtesy car. £540"

so - all things considered, I reckon your garage is avin a larf - dont you?
An old fred from 13 years ago. Lot of members on it not logged in for many years. Wonder if yer all still about and still got yer Freelander's.

Did fluffy ever get the ird filler nut oft?

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