New Member
i have a Freelander all the tweeters work, but only my driver side woofer plus the one in my boot under the floor where the tools are kept. Has anyone got any idears
If several speakers are out, I guess the first place to check would be the speaker connectors at the rear of the head unit.

I'm new to this site and came across this thread as I need to fix the drivers side front speaker on my wife's TD4 and I'm astonished at the complete lack of maturity of some of the posters on this thread - and a lot of other threads on this site for that matter...

I fully realise that the freelander is not the best Land Rover out there, but not everyone can afford a fully pimped out defender, and disrespecting someone just because they don't own the best vehicle out there is very elitist and a bit immature IMO..

I've been a member of the GTR forum for many years now and you would never see a GTR owner (like myself) flaming a 2.0l GTS owner for owning a comparatively low spec skyline..

So why is this site so different?

Are a significant minority of Land Rover owners just up their own arses perhaps?

Or is it that I simply don't understand the rules of engagement on this site, and that all of this elitism against freelanders is simply light hearted friendly banter?

If so then I'm not exactly rolling around on the floor with laughter.

Your thoughts would be appreciated.. (especially from the administrators)

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Oh dear...

It's all harmless banter. I have a freelander and amazingly the doors haven't fallen off yet AND all the speakers work! :D

That being said, you are right about the other forums bit, when I was on VXoN people didn't laugh at you for driving a corsa rather than a VXR. I think it might be more that the average land rover owner is a bit older than the average boy racer driver, so they can have a laid back laugh. Rather than "U WOT M8? U SLAGGIN OFF ME WHEELZ? IMMA SHANK U M8" :p
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I think you'll find freelander owners give as good as they get on here

Years ago i was on the Peugeot 306 gti6 forum, and xsi owners were distinctly lower in the food chain
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Or is it that I simply don't understand the rules of engagement on this site, and that all of this elitism against freelanders is simply light hearted friendly banter?

got it in one, well done !

The administrators, tired of this type of thing have created a handy guide to landyzone for newbies who may find the banter a little different to what they are used to. It says this:

"Welcome to you all.

Landyzone is a different sort of Landrover site, banter and joking is the norm, but this is mixed in with a great depth of knowledge of all Landrovers.

If you have a question you need answering I suggest looking firstly in the "Common Faults and Questions" section of the forum or reading the relevant sections.

If you cant see an answer to your problem then use the search facility which is at the top of the page. Make sure the word you are searching for is longer then 3 letters otherwise nothing will be found.

If you still cannot find the answer then post your question in the relevant section.

We're all about having fun here and we're all learning from one another.

Every forum has its own set of rules, so you can't expect all forums to be the same or enforce an existing forum to function like the one you favour the most. It doesn't work this way unfortunately, if it did, you won't have much choice and all forums will be the same (good or bad). We take pride in the more “open” approach on this site, but personal vendettas and abuse will not be tolerated. You can expect posts to be deleted and warnings to be given to those that ignore this friendly reminder. It is certainly not about any cultural differences and this forum has been a great place to accommodate members from around the world.

We do have fun and we do joke on this forum, but the Mods have a job to do in addition to "having fun", so let us help them do this job properly, after all it's not like they are being paid for it or got shares in it. So when a moderator or forum admin points you in the right direction, do not take offence to that. It is for your benefit as well as the many readers out there to highlight any infractions on this forum.

Once again welcome to LandyZone, enjoy your stay."

Should you not believe me, here is a linky (just click on the green words and by the power of the internet your computer device will transport you there):

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