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Does anyone know if the rear protection guard that sits between the front seats and the rear of a Freelander Commercial would fit in a 5 door TD4 2003 - non face lift?

I want to add a bit of protection and security to my Freebie when we're out travelling across Europe.
Does anyone know if the rear protection guard that sits between the front seats and the rear of a Freelander Commercial would fit in a 5 door TD4 2003 - non face lift?

I want to add a bit of protection and security to my Freebie when we're out travelling across Europe.

Where on earth are you going that you think you need that kind of thing?

I work in war zones and ex-war zones and high risk areas (think Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania,) and occasionally run to Turkey and Azerbaijan. I would never have anything like that, ever.

You will attract attention as any bad-guy glancing at the interior will deduce that you have goodies worth stealing.

Keep it simple and do not attract attention or look in any way tough.

Sometimes I have volunteers who come to help and I have often had to take away all the ex-military type clothes they have packed.

If you have any security that's obvious you will only get the hassle you are trying to avoid. Believe me.

Let me know where you intend going, please.
We usually go away for 3 weeks green laning and camping in the Alps. I think the roof tent usually gives the game away to any bad guy that we're touring :)


I take the back seats out to give us more room, and am constructing some false floors that will fit flush with the back floor and give us hiding space in the rear foot wells. That said, with the back seats out it does make viewing bits and bobs far too easy.

Any addition to a Freebie isn't going to make it look that tough but I take your point!
From a practical point of view I suppose it's weighing up the pros and cons. It gives us a bit of protection from heavy / hard objects if the worse thing happens and I manage to roll the Freebie coming down a mountain (I've got a 12v leisure battery and 2 water tanks in the back amongst other bits and bobs). It's also handy to hang things on when we're parked up. It also gives me a solid structure to work on to mount drawers etc.

I guess the best thing would be to find a roller blind that fitted next to the rear one, and covered the whole of the back, hooking on to the bulkhead.
OK - I like what you're doing - It's not a hare-brained scheme that's going to look like some black-ops job.

My apologies - but some of the crazies I've seen 'on tour' in the bad lands get into big trouble.

I understand now (I think it might have been the combination of 'security' and 'travelling across Europe' that set off alarm bells.

What you really need is a rear roll cage - but they make getting in and out a hassle as well as making a large hole in your wallet.

For security the panel from a commercial is a good idea - as would be a dog guard, but wont help much if you roly-poly it into the scenery.

We like to keep it simple - a black bed-sheet stretched over the entire back area will keep prying eyes away from most stuff - the determined thief will just break a window anyway.

We do not fit any shelves or extra solid cupboards etc. The best stacking storage boxes available are the empty fruit boxes you get for nothing at Lidl. They are a perfect fit in the back of a Freelander - get some and have a game of Tetris with them. Interchangeable and adaptable - they can be added to or dumped as you go - and they dont rattle or damage the interior trim. Hold them down with bungees.

We go to the Balkans 3 or 4 times a year for a month at a time and I know how much 'stuff' needs to be packed in.

Our hobby (on the way home) is Alpine Pass Storming - usually in Austria.

Have a good and safe trip. :cool:

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I like the idea of the fruit boxes! Plus playing Tetris on a rainy day is a bonus :) I bought some ammo boxes for storage last year and they were damn heavy! Lifting them in and out of the side of the car was a chore to say the least, and they are prone to damaging the interior.

Thanks for the advice, and safe journeys!
Hey Northern Irelander! Would be great if you had some pics... The more and more I think about this, I like the idea of adding the bulkhead. If I don't like it then i've hardly lost out..plenty of them going cheap on eBay!
Our hobby (on the way home) is Alpine Pass Storming - usually in Austria.

Have a good and safe trip.


Now I know what a boring life I lead :)

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