Geez sorry, was trying to help out anyone that needed a Cd changer that I don't want. I am quite capable of understanding what it means but was hoping to do someone a favour.
Geez sorry, was trying to help out anyone that needed a Cd changer that I don't want. I am quite capable of understanding what it means but was hoping to do someone a favour.

How do you work it?

I've only got what's in the bottom tray to work... !

Stuck with The Darkness, One way ticket to Hell and back on... I can't get The Levellers, Northern Soul compilation or Ivor Cuttler to play... :eek:

Aaaaargh.... I don't work it because I don't have the headunit that it is for! I have a kenwood that was already in the Car! It is for the factory fitted stereo!! Saw on eBay they go for £30+ but a pit don't have the cassette so thought I could save somebody money or even if they just need the parts from it would help!! Not even selling it just threw it out there to see if anybody could make us of it!! Guess no good deed goes unpunished. Should have just thrown it away......
Not sure why this has even become such an issue. I couldn't post it in the for sale bit because of posts, never mentioned payment and acknowledged that it should be there but thought better in someone else's hands that could make use of it. You can see why people wait a long while before making posts when you are shot down in flames for trying to help.
Not sure why this has even become such an issue. I couldn't post it in the for sale bit because of posts, never mentioned payment and acknowledged that it should be there but thought better in someone else's hands that could make use of it. You can see why people wait a long while before making posts when you are shot down in flames for trying to help.

No, you never mentioned payment, you said 'is anyone interested?'

You can pretend you wanted to give it away but it's taken 4 posts for you to mention that bit.

If you want to give it away to help someone out, great, start a thread and say so.

If you want to sell it wait until you have enough posts.

It's quite simple and no big issue :)
Wow. I'm really not that devious and certainly wouldn't 'pretend' anything to appease a cynic. Really enjoy the forum and the advice I have read and received but this has really soured it for me. Maybe I should be a lot more careful with my wording in the future. Lesson learnt.
Wow. I'm really not that devious and certainly wouldn't 'pretend' anything to appease a cynic. Really enjoy the forum and the advice I have read and received but this has really soured it for me. Maybe I should be a lot more careful with my wording in the future. Lesson learnt.

There's really no need to take it personally, we probably get about 10 threads a week of people trying to get around the selling rules so yes, I get a little cynical.

As I said, if you want to give it away, great, say so, post it up.
There's really no need to take it personally, we probably get about 10 threads a week of people trying to get around the selling rules so yes, I get a little cynical.

As I said, if you want to give it away, great, say so, post it up.

I'm cynical and can be an arsse hole when I want to be too but, I'm not a mod and enjoy winding folk up when I'm that way out... :D

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