yes us 2, and the rest of the english speaking world.
Ok then,if you are comfy and ready,last night when I typed my response to "Eightinavee rhymes with Pee" the Puter would not allow me to type Tw-t,so in an instant fit of mass panic I typed the closest variant - twot.
No getting arsey,no clever cr-p - just a response to a thread about cars that are made of cheese.
Trust someone with a pink car to know that:D:D
Ok then,if you are comfy and ready,last night when I typed my response to "Eightinavee rhymes with Pee" the Puter would not allow me to type Tw-t,so in an instant fit of mass panic I typed the closest variant - twot.
No getting arsey,no clever cr-p - just a response to a thread about cars that are made of cheese.

We knew that!:doh::D:D:D:D:p
hi to every one i am new to land rover i have a 2005 year freelander td4 diesel bmw engine can any one let me no is the automatic gear box still a jatco if its Steptronic Automatic Transmission thanks dave

Anyway I think we answered this one :D

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