
New Member
Hi everyone - just about to embark on the purchase of a Freelander, 1999 1.8 petrol with LPG conversion........we really like the look of the F/lander and lpg is the obvious way to go with the extortionate petrol prices. Has anyone got any horror stories or anything we really need to be looking out for - we are going to see it tomorrow with grubby cash in hand! Other than that, the vehicle seems to be in good nick - 70k miles, 2 owners, some history, although we don't know if it has had a cambelt done - we are costing that in to the price of the purchase.Would be really grateful for any responses. Cheers and thanks for your help.
its a wonderful car, if you do a search you'll nothing but good things sed about the gaylander. injun is bullet proof, cheap and simple to fix drive train. and the doors are securely held on with special water proof bolts.
yup - you wanna go buy one - you ask Minge or Blippie. better still, buy two then you can alternate between them.

As Lord Slob says - do a search and find out all you can.
Hi everyone - just about to embark on the purchase of a Freelander, 1999 1.8 petrol with LPG conversion........we really like the look of the F/lander and lpg is the obvious way to go with the extortionate petrol prices. Has anyone got any horror stories or anything we really need to be looking out for - we are going to see it tomorrow with grubby cash in hand! Other than that, the vehicle seems to be in good nick - 70k miles, 2 owners, some history, although we don't know if it has had a cambelt done - we are costing that in to the price of the purchase.Would be really grateful for any responses. Cheers and thanks for your help.

FYI, the previous two replies are sarcasm. They're implying that you should use the search feature instead of making a thread about something which may have been asked before. Unfortunately their replies were nothing more than sarcasm, and have no truth in them.

To elaborate further, the 1.8 petrols consist of Rover engines. They are prone to head gasket failure and many people advise others to stay well away. The best option for a Freelander would be a Diesel TD4, which consist of a BMW 2 litre Diesel engines and are said to be much more reliable. I believe these were available from the year 2000 onwards. Prior to that, the Freelander's also had 2 litre Rover diesel engines, (in addition to the petrol engine) which were branded as the "XEDi". I believe these are fairly reliable too, but they are not so well refined compared to the TD4, and they're known to be quite noisy too, with slightly lower MPG than the TD4. All in all, the TD4 is the one to get.

With regards to LPG and fuel costs, an alternative would be to get a Diesel vehicle and run it on vegetable oil sold by supermarkets. (obviously not from their fuel stations!) It sounds stupid to those who know nothing about it, but it's actually becoming very common. There is also many threads about this on these forums, should you wish to find out more. :)

I hope that helps. :)

- Rich
Fer Fooks Sake don't do it too yersen Gaylanders are moneypits If you get a petrol injuned one be prepared to sell yer kids, pets and kidneys to pay the garage bills. That come wiv um
. They're implying that you should use the search feature instead of making a thread about something which may have been asked before.

. There is also many threads about this on these forums, should you wish to find out more. :)

I hope that helps. :)

- Rich

does this mean you're a sarky **** arnorl?
I concurr, and will say what I always say - if you are interested in a Freelander, go for a diesel. The TD4 is the pick of the bunch.

Leave the petrols for the enthusiasts and keen mechanics.

1999 is still fairly early so may be more prone to transmission problems - do a search in this forum to learn how to check a potential purchase for VCU problems.

unless you want to re-mortgage your house for the garage bills:eek: or your a bloody good mechanic don't do it ffs buy a disco or a defender
JAFDP. Flanders are wonderful and versatile vehicles when running properly which unfortunately tends to be not very often for 1.8 petrol versions. Please read the endless tales of woe on the forum from owners of this derivative and then if you still fancy a flander go for the TD4 but you will have find a bit more cash as they retain value due to superior reliability etc. D....

I converted to LPG. I drove since the conversion 20.000 km (miles are for gays, who do not play at the European Championship in Switzerland/Austria ;) ) and have had no problems at all.
To protect the valves and the engine against overheating I use flashlube. Eveything is going fine. Do it too, save money and pull out less CO2.

Greatings from good old Germany

Little Britain isn't fiction!
LPG makes the engine run hotter - not a good idea on a 1.8K series engine.
Really? I've been running a 1400 K series engined Rover 200 (R8) for several years now on L.P.G., fitted at 30K & guess what, I took the head off for the first time in 245000 miles (yes 245K), last week, & the bores had the coninical honing marks from when the thing was put together in 1995 by the blokes at Longbridge!
P.S. it wasn't overheating, it had a burnt out exhaust valve!, the trick I've found with the K-Series is change the antifreeze once a year! only had HGF once on a car of mine, where the metal thermostat pipe rotted through.
Lokking forward to seeing how the upgraded multilayer steel Landy HG does on the little'un:)
The Freelander (Madwifey's) new motor is going to be converted once I get the thing to run right on petrol!
Testbook anyone?;)
Why is it always he same people who sit there and wait to slag Freelander off....dunno why they bother obviously nowt better to do.

Mine is V6 with lpg conversion from new...lpg system changed after that went tits up, but motor in general runs sweet as a nut. (60k+ miles)

Apart from servicing has had no major problems except thermostat housing which is a common fault on V6 but when I pay about 40p ltr then its easy enough to pay for things like that out of what I save.

As far as choice of LRs goes have been driving them since 70s and have driven most except newer RR & RRS and personal choice would be current motor...with a few mods its capable off road and refined on it, cheap to run and power to spare.
Why is it always he same people who sit there and wait to slag Freelander off....dunno why they bother obviously nowt better to do.

Judging by the Defender and Discovery forums, they are on the computer due to all the problems with THEIR trucks ...

Judging by the Defender and Discovery forums, they are on the computer due to all the problems with THEIR trucks ...

or maybe sum of them have had a freelander and seen sense!!! or maybe anything that's needed doin' is done and have a lot of free time instead of thinkin' about the dreaded HGF and doors fallin' off etc:p ;) :D
maybe anything that's needed doin' is done

Including new turbo.. re chassis ..replace bulkhead..replace floors etc etc etc

and have a lot of free time:p ;) :D

To wait for weather to warm up enough for heater to defrost windscreen...to travel along at teeth chattering 20mpg/55mph...to worry about where the next tescos is to get the right mix of derv and veggie oil...and then worry whether thats gonna fook their filters....to shop for recovery ropes cos if dont break down on the way there it will on the way home. To admire childrens toys dressed in pink lycra.

Not that I dont like ""proper"" (as Ive heard them described) landys (currently looking out for another toy at the minute) but feel that it dont need numpties just sitting on the sidelines waiting to knock any potential owner or jump on any poor git who has possibly just bought their first Landy and may need a bit of help rather than a tirade from someone who has obviously had a bad experience and cant get over the fact they were probably ripped off in the first place.

Nuff said for now:mad:
ah think yer missing the point here. series landies are old and therefore more of a hobby than an everyday car, thats not to say some folk don't use them every day. they where built for one purpose and that was to go off road where other vehicles of the day couldn't go. even after 50 years, in some cases, they are still going, cheap and easy to repair, and parts are readily availible.

defenders are pretty much the same but with coil springs and a bigger choice of engine which can easily propel tham along at or over the current legal speed limit. you choice of comments about blocked oil filiter could be directed at any doosul powered engine, so it a bit irrelevant really.

now yer gaylander was built as a family car for use mainly on the road with some off road capabilties.
older landies go on for over 100,000miles with no major problems but yer gaylanders have numerous reports of HGF and drive train problems at well below 100,00miles.
even a series one could be ran for some miles with a blown head gasket without the need for a new engine that would be just as likely to fail again.

as has been said before on here it would be wrong to say nothing about these problems to folk that ask and even worst to say "oh they are great" cars"
Nah Nah Nah.....seems to be you missing my point....poor fooker whever started this thread comes on here....posts as first post what he and most other peeps would think is a sensible question (admittedly anyone hanging round on here for a while has probably heard it all before) Gets slagged off for his choice of motor....note he never mentioned he wanted a hobby to get himslf covered in ****e and oil every weekend , or a vehicle for serious off roading so you dont know why hes buying it and probably is for a family motor. Admittedly there are many more family motors to choose from that are probably more reliable and cost less to keep on road.

And every time a new face appears on FL forum gets a barage of abuse for choice of motor.

Peronal opinion and through 25-30 years of experience of various LRs the only practical LR to own as a family motor is a FL...(Would possibly have said an older oil burnin disco until recent hike in veggie oil prices) but a properly looked after FL especially runnin on gas can be a good investment, even if not without its problems....

As for off road ability have never had to have my motor towed out of the ****e but have towed many "proper " LRs...Normally after following my well slagged off...cost me the earth...dont fookin buy it...FL.

Nuff said again at least if your gonna give some advice make sure it is advice and not just ****e....
LPG makes the engine run hotter - not a good idea on a 1.8K series engine.

wot is slagging orf about that?

it is a known fact that LPG fuel has higher combustion temps than petrol, because it has less cooling effect.

Dont 1.8K series engines have a higher than average HGF failure rate?

it is his decision as to whether to go for it - he has to suffer any consequences. As for doing a search - that HAS TO BE good advice, so that he can make a qualified and informed decision.
Nah Nah Nah.....seems to be you missing my point....poor fooker whever started this thread comes on here....posts as first post what he and most other peeps would think is a sensible question (admittedly anyone hanging round on here for a while has probably heard it all before) Gets slagged off for his choice of motor....note he never mentioned he wanted a hobby to get himslf covered in ****e and oil every weekend , or a vehicle for serious off roading so you dont know why hes buying it and probably is for a family motor. Admittedly there are many more family motors to choose from that are probably more reliable and cost less to keep on road.

And every time a new face appears on FL forum gets a barage of abuse for choice of motor.

Peronal opinion and through 25-30 years of experience of various LRs the only practical LR to own as a family motor is a FL...(Would possibly have said an older oil burnin disco until recent hike in veggie oil prices) but a properly looked after FL especially runnin on gas can be a good investment, even if not without its problems....

As for off road ability have never had to have my motor towed out of the ****e but have towed many "proper " LRs...Normally after following my well slagged off...cost me the earth...dont fookin buy it...FL.

Nuff said again at least if your gonna give some advice make sure it is advice and not just ****e....

i've seen some posts on this form that are full of ****. most of them are done with tongue firmly in cheek, your int.
he wasn't slagged orf, he was imformed that his choice of gaylander with the 1.8 engine was not a wise choice never mind running it on the hotter running LPG.

and no one even suggested that he wanted a hobby nor that he enjoys messing about with mechanical stuff.

tha facts are, as proven by the postings on here and from other sources, that the 1.8 gaylanders are likey to blow the HG and suffer complete engine failure

the v6 is just as likey to do the same

the new Hg and oil rail doesn't seem to have bin a total sucess at solving the problem
and we int touched the other problems that crop up on a daily basis

you only need to see how many folk have bought them only to come on here and say " i wish i'd never bought it" or " as soon as its fixed, this time its going"

there do appear to be some that are ok but its a lottery and the second prize is an ever depleting bank balance.

what choice do you have when asked?
say nowt and let them find out the hard way
tell em and have the like of you accuse folk of slagging others off for their choice of vehicle
tell them its a good choice and then have them accuse folk of misleading them

of course we could say yer be better off with a slitty but as we're here for the landies thats unlikey, so that leave discos ,defenders and RR's

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