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I'd appreciate a pointer please. Faced with a huge bill to replace my propshaft on a 2001, 1.8 GS petrol Freelander, I took the advice of the garage and had it removed. I'm working away from home and just need a general run around for another 18 months or so which is why I opted for the conversion. Other than that, I've had no problems with it - 60,900 miles, all electrics working as they should, no leaks, no other issues.

However, the 2WD conversion now means my insurance company won't cover the modification. I'm now hunting around to find someone who will. Anyone out there who's got a 2WD Freelander covered - a point in the right direction would be great.

what modification? it was like that when u bought it and never looked underneath.. why would u??

cheers steve
Thanks for the speedy replies. My insurance company (Swiftcover) say that removing the prop shaft is a non-standard 'modification' and won't cover me - the policy will be cancelled in 7 days. I'm hunting insurance companies who specialise in covering vehicle modications but a 2WD conversion seemingly requires a referral to the underwriters - I can just imagine the premium!
one side thought of all these companies not covering mods and cancelling insurance, is does it make your next insurance cost more, cos the ask the question have you ever had insurance refused or cancelled.
Werent a mod. It fell off and so it should still be covered. Why tell the insurance? Crazy.
Do people really ring their insurance company every time something breaks on their car?

ETA It's not a 'conversion' or 'modification', it's broken. :doh:
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Sounds like a Bum Rap
If you tell your insurance, you get shafted
If you dont tell and are involved in a RTA, you get shafted
Try and find insurance for a probably un recanised mod,you get shafted
You motor knacks up and you have to pay a garage to fix it, you get shafted (price of parts)

Let us know wot do and if you get insured
I was in a similar situation the other week - trying to insure a 110 with a 200tdi (not standard) and a tipper conversion no company wanted to touch me! Can reccomend A-Plan insurance they were by far and away the cheapest and weren't bothered by "non-standard" modifications
Don't assume "refer to underwriters" is a major issue. Try a few tomorrow and see what comes back. I've always declared any mods I know about cos as Spunka says, you get shafted if you don't. Flux were OK, but quite expensive, I've now gone with Lancaster.

Thanks for your comments. Whilst Swiftcover said that they would not continue to insure me now the Freelander is a 2 wheel drive vehicle, I managed to find a company that will and, bizzarely, my premium actually feel by £75! The 2 WD 'conversion' is now detailed in the schedule and I'm now 'road legal'.

As for the Freelander, steering's a bit lighter, gear box is smoother and it's a bit eager on pulling away but faced with a whopping bill for a VCU and the risk of knackering the IRD in a vehicle that's 12 years old, not a bad outcome. Just hope I can get another 12 months out of it as a run around.

Thanks for your comments. Whilst Swiftcover said that they would not continue to insure me now the Freelander is a 2 wheel drive vehicle, I managed to find a company that will and, bizzarely, my premium actually feel by £75! The 2 WD 'conversion' is now detailed in the schedule and I'm now 'road legal'.

As for the Freelander, steering's a bit lighter, gear box is smoother and it's a bit eager on pulling away but faced with a whopping bill for a VCU and the risk of knackering the IRD in a vehicle that's 12 years old, not a bad outcome. Just hope I can get another 12 months out of it as a run around.

What do you call a whopping bill mate? Where are you getting the VCU from?
I managed to find a company that will and, bizzarely, my premium actually feel by £75! The 2 WD 'conversion' is now detailed in the schedule and I'm now 'road legal'.

Would you care to mention who this company is, please?
I managed to find a company that will and, bizzarely, my premium actually feel by £75! The 2 WD 'conversion' is now detailed in the schedule and I'm now 'road legal'.

Would you care to mention who this company is, please?

Insurance cover for a 2WD Freelander (2001, 1.8GS Petrol, Manual) provided by Adrian Flux: Modified Car Insurance | Insurance for Modified Cars - Adrian Flux

The premium was £282 per annum - £75 less than my annual renewal with Swiftcover.
2WD what side? O/S, N/S back or front. what about hair dryer does that still work in the back? or just the front,

I'd appreciate a pointer please. Faced with a huge bill to replace my propshaft on a 2001, 1.8 GS petrol Freelander, I took the advice of the garage and had it removed. I'm working away from home and just need a general run around for another 18 months or so which is why I opted for the conversion. Other than that, I've had no problems with it - 60,900 miles, all electrics working as they should, no leaks, no other issues.

However, the 2WD conversion now means my insurance company won't cover the modification. I'm now hunting around to find someone who will. Anyone out there who's got a 2WD Freelander covered - a point in the right direction would be great.

Just had same problem with insurance LANCASTER INSURANCE are land rover specialists.No problem insuring removal of props haft. If anyone's having problems ring them 01480 484806.Hope this helps..mine was cheap but they do go by mileage.
Just had same problem with insurance LANCASTER INSURANCE are land rover specialists.No problem insuring removal of props haft. If anyone's having problems ring them 01480 484806.Hope this helps..mine was cheap but they do go by mileage.

Holy necropost, Batman! :eek::rolleyes:

... Be a good man and trot across to Introduce Yourself.
Just how much was it going to cost to replace the propshaft? Must have been serious money to go to all this trouble - what was up with it? Was it a main stealer, Landy specialist or the jobbing garage on the corner as costs vary enormously - sounds like he just didn't want the work and was looking for an easy option.

Think how much ridicule, embarrassment and red-facedness you will have to endure when the first snow falls and you get stuck with all the other 2wd's!

And how will it affect the re-sale value when you can't stand being laughed at any more and decide to off-load it ...

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