
New Member
Hi new joiner, hoping for some guidance here.

I have a mint Freelander 2 XS, which has the half leather/ half alcantara trim.

I am trying to get a definitive answer as to whether the Alcantara is actually real alcantara, or something like Nubuk, or some other synthetic product.

The reason I ask is the only aspect of the car that needs a bit of attention is the driver seat alcantara.

I want to ensure I am 100% on the material before I start any attempts to clean it. So I can avoid doing any damage to the material.

Any advice and insight would be greatly appreciated,

Thanks all in advanceā€¦
Alcantara (a trade name) for a synthetic version of suede, a fully man made material so not subject to damage which happens to natural materials in the harsh interior of a vehicle.
Alcantara (a trade name) for a synthetic version of suede, a fully man made material so not subject to damage which happens to natural materials in the harsh interior of a vehicle.
With a bit of overnight research I believe it may be a material known as Dinamica. A polyester based product, anyone able to confirm?

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