Hello my 2007 td4 freelander 2 has snapped a cam belt........... this is 10 months having paid to have it replaced.
Not a happy bunny, at present
But I am going to have a go at taking the head off try and rebuild it with new valves and or followers/ cam shafts depending on what i find
Questions are
1. has anyone done this repair, or is it just not worth it.
what can I expect to find in terms of damage
2 . is there a how to anywhere which might help.
3. any tips to overcome common problems when removing the head
Many thanks

2 options, only fix what has broken with the belt, with luck only some valves are bent.

You do a full engine repair …

For the belt you should look at the condition of the pulley and tensioner. Certainly not changed with the belt ?

You should check all of this, you don’t want to break the belt again, all the pulleys should be checked including the tensionner.

Full kit, depending on the quality you could have some issues …
The job itself isn't that difficult, however it's a long winded job as access is tight, especially the EGR system.
The head will need to be re-faced once it's off, so you might as well get the engineers to change the bent valves at the same time. There will be several bent valves, and possibly broken rockers too.

Doing it at home for the first time will take 20 to 30 hours, depending on skill and tools available.

Budget about £600 for parts and the head work, and change things like the glow plugs at the same time.

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