If you exceed the maximum speed, I expect the mode will return to normal. However driving on snow is a skill, so go slowly and sensibly. No amount of electronics can defy the laws of physics. Just because an AWD can move when 2WD vehicles can't, doesn't mean it'll corner or stop any faster than any other vehicle on the road.
Hi nogde hope you well thank you yes you are right but I was just wondering if it is ok to say use snow mode
On say on country lanes doing 10mph or on motorway doing 20mph. As you say people think they got 4*4 and they Can do any speed and they are safe not so just wondered if there was any speed limit or if you was not on snow it would damage the 4*4 drivetrain thank you dawn
I'm fine thanks, except of age related ailments. ;)
From memory the special modes cancel at about 30 Mph, which is about the fastest safe speed on snow. So driving at 10 to 20 Mph will fine, as long as there's space to react.
Story time.
When I was doing breakdowns and incident recovery work. It was amazing just how many 4X4 driver's though they were invincible in slippery conditions. I recall one snowy evening when I was called out to recover a crashed vehicle. On my way to the yard to collect the recovery waggon in my Freelander. I was driving down a long straight but very icy road. Then out of nowhere a new Discovery 3 overtook me at speed. I thought "****" as he shot past me. At the end of this straight road is a sharp double hairpin corner, walled by Cornish hedge (loose lay stone wall covered with soil) Well I saw the D3s brake lights illuminate in the distance, then I saw bits of D3 shoot in all directions and loads of steam erupt from it. It didn't take a genius to work out he was on a short road to disaster. I stopped and suggest he called his insurance company to arrange recovery. He said he couldn't understand why he couldn't stop, because he able to accelerate just fine. Muppet I thought. I recovered the vehicle I was originally going to get, then got the call to pick up the Muppets D3 too.
Safe driving. ;)
There’s no upper speed limit on the terrain response modes on FL2

Limit is purely on the conditions you’re driving on / in plus driver ability
Your car has a snow mode button ????? I always teach your brain is always the best mode for different weather and road conditions and if you can't work it out then give up driving :p:p:D

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