
New Member
Hi everyone,
Was wondering if any of the boffins out there might be able to help. My FL2 has no SAT NAV display , the stereo won't power up and the drivers electric seat is dead. Had a look and checked all the fuses were Ok. It looks like there is no power to the rear fuse box in the boot. Have started the car and checked again in case this is powered up only when the ignition is on. Still no luck.
Any ideas much appreciated
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Freelander 1 and 2:
I’d love to say your funny, but your absolutely not. If you can’t be helpful just refrain from making silly comments. Idiot
But, but...but...the possible answer to your one of your problems has already been shown in the thread.

The other problem you have is that you are a mean person. There may not be a fix for that.
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Oh @Billie91.

Being mean and nasty here is against LandyZone rules. You probably haven't perused them.

We have a stern moderator aboard. One who is a bit truculent about enforcement of our long held bylaws.

I'm also a minority. You must be aware of the repercussions of openly oppressing of minorities.

I just might send in a report. Do you really want that on your record?
I’d love to say your funny, but your absolutely not. If you can’t be helpful just refrain from making silly comments. Idiot
Posting requests for help in the introductions section won't actually get you any help. The original poster was pointed towards the correct section, yet you still posted a request for help here, then you start having a go at the very people that could help, and you called him an idiot.

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