
New Member
Just purchased first Land Rover - a Freelander 2 2010. But, have now noticed that the rear seat has no middle headrest which I really want to fit. The local dealer has said it is not possible to buy either the headrest or the locking / non locking locators. I have lifted up the cover around the middle seat belt and can feel that there is defiantly a hole in the frame through which the headrests would fit. Looking at parts diagrams there only seems to be one tap of seat back and it shows holes as well and surely there wouldn't be two different types of backs.

My plan was to buy the parts and should be a really simple fix but cant get the parts from LR.

Can anyone confirm if I am correct in the seat back being suitable and all I need to do is make two small holes, drop in the plastic locators and slide the headrest in?

Surely the dealer is wrong in saying I have to buy a whole new seat back!

I also think your best bet would be either a scrappy or Ebay.
Don't really see why someone suggesting a scrappy would be unhelpful
Care to explain?
Just had a look at the parts catalogue and I think you can buy the locators and headrest and fit them to your existing frame

However - the big problem is cutting the seat cover to find out if it'll work......

If you want to try that's up to you!

How often will you be using the centre seat position?
I also think your best bet would be either a scrappy or Ebay.
Don't really see why someone suggesting a scrappy would be unhelpful
Care to explain?
Yeah go on, explain! I thought I was being helpful too. (If a little sarcastic for saying the obvious)

+1 though on the centre headrest being a pain in the arse though. Unless you regularly drive with 4 tall passengers it's hardly worth the inconvenience.
If you want part numbers let me know but I'll need chassis number to ensure the right colour and headrest style

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