Tom goes 4x4

New Member
Hi there,
When I turn my freelander 2 63 plate off at the ignition, it turns itself back on again, any ideas?
The engine is off and as I dont have my foot on the brake, it does not start again.
But the ignition is on and I cant lock the car or the alarm goes off.
Start button does not seem to be stuck and the keys are not low on battery, but cant think of anything else, except that it has been raining hard and lots of puddles for the last week.
Thanks Tom
Normally you press and release the stop/start button once to switch the engine and dash oft. Try pressing and holding the switch instead. This is a force shutdown.
Normally you press and release the stop/start button once to switch the engine and dash oft. Try pressing and holding the switch instead. This is a force shutdown.
Thanks, I have tried that, but it does not work. It starts again while holding down. T
When it restarts itself, does the dash go oft, then switch on, with the speed/rev dial's exercising to full scale then back anticlockwise to normal?
To start a late FL2 you need yer foot on the brake and key inside the car. You press the stop/start bottom and it will start.

If you switch it oft without the key inside the car, you have a small number of seconds where it will restart if pressed again. After that the engine wont start. So moving the key outside the car presumably won't solve the problem.

I would need to test it to confirm if holding down stop/start will shut down the engine then restart, if you don't press the brake pedal.

Checking the stop/start switch is free and an easy starting point. (pun intended)

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