
New Member
Hi, 1st post. had my 2010 Freelander a few months now. A one owner, FSH car with 110k miles, not that you'd know it, given the amount of work it needed to get it 'right' ... anyway... it is running as I want it, and yes it does have a few quicks.. I'm gradually ironing them out...

One that is persisting is as follows. Driving along normally, good air quality in the car, but any time I'm stationary in traffic of at traffic lights, diesel exhaust fumes start to come into the car, if the recirc' button on the AC is pushed, the fumes stop. I've had the bonnet up, engine cover off looking for leaks of any kind, none that I can see... it doesn't use engine oil, and there don't appear to be any obvious leaks of that either... holding the tail pipe, no obvious hissing from the exhaust.

I've looked at other threads on this and other forums, no definate answer... can someone tell me 'ah, its the thingumy widget thats come loose, just tighten it up'! or is it one of those 'they all do that mate' kind of things.

Many thanks.
Hi, 1st post. had my 2010 Freelander a few months now. A one owner, FSH car with 110k miles, not that you'd know it, given the amount of work it needed to get it 'right' ... anyway... it is running as I want it, and yes it does have a few quicks.. I'm gradually ironing them out...

One that is persisting is as follows. Driving along normally, good air quality in the car, but any time I'm stationary in traffic of at traffic lights, diesel exhaust fumes start to come into the car, if the recirc' button on the AC is pushed, the fumes stop. I've had the bonnet up, engine cover off looking for leaks of any kind, none that I can see... it doesn't use engine oil, and there don't appear to be any obvious leaks of that either... holding the tail pipe, no obvious hissing from the exhaust.

I've looked at other threads on this and other forums, no definate answer... can someone tell me 'ah, its the thingumy widget thats come loose, just tighten it up'! or is it one of those 'they all do that mate' kind of things.

Many thanks.
I have exactly the same problem. About to replace manifold. Small hole. Other thought is DPF filter which purges itself every now and then. Not sure if replacing the manifold will be the whole solution. 310000 kilometers and still a perfect car.
It can be the battery cover not seated correctly, and leaking fumes into cabin intake
That wouldn't help, but there shouldn't really be any fumes in the engine bay.
I'm thinking it could be a DPF model and the pressure sensor hose has split. Or it's got oil dripping onto the exhaust manifold from a badly sealed intake pipe.

But as the OP hasn't been back on the forum since asking the question, we could be wasting our time coming up with theories?
Hi, apologies for not returning for a while, I mistakenly thought I would get a notification when someone commented.
I've just been living with the issue by going to re-circ.
With the bonnet up, head down sniffing around, I can't pick up any fumes.. but inside the cabin there is the whiff of fumes.
As I say, just living with it currently... the car works fine ne other than that.
Thanks for your replies all the same.

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