
New Member
Hi there hoping somebody has shared my pain and could offer some advice,

I’ve recently bought a Freelander 2 and can feel a wobble mainly through the car rather than steering wheel but only between the speed of 35-60mph, have replaced drive shafts, checked propshaft, changed transmission oil, tried different wheels, still not better and a lot spent, hoping somebody has had similar issue?

Next job is to try Torque Converter as most people say it’s probably that, however have spent loads and don’t want it to become more of a money pit. Thanks for any help, really appreciate it.
If it's a wobble, then it's more likely to be wheel or suspension related.
If it's a vibration you can feel as the engine speed drops when the TC clutch locks, then it's the TC at fault.
I tracked mine down to a seized brake caliper as you drive it heats up and has a braking effect the whole car then starts shaking until you pull over to let the brakes cool down. Strange thing is it didn't do it all the time. Had brakes done and its never done it since. That was about a year ago

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