
New Member
Hi Everyone,

Im a newbie on here and im not sure if ive posted this in the right bit...but heregoes !!!
I have a freelander 2.0 TD 1998 (R Reg)
Ive had problems with the red engine light coming on and sometimes losing power when its on, when i rev it goes off, sometimes it will rev high when idle on its own and sometimes fluctuate.
Ive read through the forums and it seems to point to TPS, I went to garage he put it on computer and it showed TPS and Engine Temperature switch. I replaced the engine temp switch but the red light still prevailed !!! I have now got a TPS online they said it was tested and have 30 day money back gaurantee.
I fitted the TPS today which was a nightmare !!! The red light still prevails BUT now my rev counter isnt working.
Can anyone tell me whether this will sort itself out after reseting it on computer ???
Thanks........I really do need help, it would be great if someone can rescue me from this nightmare im in ??:alien:
Sounds more like a engine speed sensor (crankshaft sensor) or a lamda sensor to me.
Hi Ratty

Cheerz for the reply gonna go into garage today and see if it all resets !!!!!!!!!!! I sure hope it does if it doesnt I will put old TPS on and send back as got a 30 day money back gaurantee !!! phew !!!!

Surely if it was a different sensor it would show on the computer !!! Wish me luck anyway will see what the computer says today.

Are them other sensors easy to replace and cheap ???????

Cheerz StevieG

So, i went to the garage in the mornin and my rev counter was now working when i started it up.
Cleared the faults and the computer said ignition timing deviation ?? Anyway the guy cleared it and he said if it does it again whatever fault comes up is the problem.
Litially got about 200 yards and the light came on again, so i turned round and went back to garage and the fault come up as " ignition timing deviation ". Does anyone know what this is and how i cure it ???
Thanks ste:confused:
So, i went to the garage in the mornin and my rev counter was now working when i started it up.
Cleared the faults and the computer said ignition timing deviation ?? Anyway the guy cleared it and he said if it does it again whatever fault comes up is the problem.
Litially got about 200 yards and the light came on again, so i turned round and went back to garage and the fault come up as " ignition timing deviation ". Does anyone know what this is and how i cure it ???
Thanks ste:confused:

Crankshaft sensor at a guess.:rolleyes::D:D:D
Craft shaft sensor......I will get one Monday and replace it ....and hope it works !!! Where abouts is the crankshaft sensor ??

Thanks steve
Craft shaft sensor......I will get one Monday and replace it ....and hope it works !!! Where abouts is the crankshaft sensor ??

Thanks steve

It's only a guess that it's the crankshaft sensor. The garage who did the diagnostic check should have been able to confirm it.:confused:

have a look around the clutch bell housing. it should be a plastic sensor that is usually held in by a single bolt.

something along the lines of this...

I also have another theory......

As the description given by the diagnostic check said 'timing deviation' rather than 'engine speed' I'm starting to sway my thoughts towards something different.

Going soley by the diagnostic machines description of the fault (rather than your own descrption) it could also be a fault on either injector no.1, the timing solenoid on the fuel pump or it's associated wiring. The sensor on no.1 injector is used to adjust the injection timing. If it's faulty it will cause the engine managment light to come on. (It should also come on if you unplug it).

The timing is then worked out by the ECU and it controlls the timing solenoid inside the pump to get the timing right for both performance and emissions. If the timing solenoid is faulty then the engine management light will most likely only illuminate when you hold a steady speed and steady throttle opening for several seconds.
I don't get involded with fuel pump rebuilds so I don't know if the timing solenoid is something that can be changed by the average home enthusiast or if it needs to go to a diesel specialist. If you're lucky somebody on here may be able to tell you. Checking the wiring for corrosion or chaffing is something that I would think either yourself or your usual garage would be able to do.

I hope this gives you summit else to go on. Don't forget to check back in and let us know how you get on or what it turns out to be.:)

I rang the guy who did the diagnostic check and he said it isnt the Crankshaft Sensor....
he says it could be a number of things.....and best putting it on a T4 machine.
So thats wot im gonna do ive booked it in today for a T4 diagnostic check at 2pm... I will let you know what it comes up with !!!!! I hope its gonna be cheap !!!!!! Itrs cost us a fortune upto now.... new Engine Temp switch, new TPS the guy with computer costin us £20 a go this T4 thing costin another £45 Then whatever it costs to fix.
Why did i buy a freelander ?????
wish us look !!!! ste
Been to landrover specialist in preston today....and they put it on there T4 computer....same again injection timing deviation........he did few tests and said it was either the wiring from needle sensor to ECU or the injector with the needle sensor.
I got back home and checked the wiring and it seems to be fine as i checked continuity. So it looks like its the injector needle sensor. So rang up currans and landrover and the part is expensive. landrover pn : MSC100610
would anyone know of any second hand one anywhere by any chance ???? Running out of cash fast trying to sort this lanny out !!!!

cheerz ste

Thanks steve
Hi again

So rang ESA told him about problem. Told him how i checked the wires and he said wires shud be fine !! He said i would have to get injector from diesel specialist.
So i went onto 1st choice for spares on net and got an injector for £40 with month gaurantee they said it defo worked.
Before I put the injector in it measured 99 ohms and when i put it in it then measured 105 ohms. Not sure if this is right..................
Thing is the problem is still there.............Anyone any ideas ???????? I am at end of my tether and its costin us a fortune !!!!

cheerz ste any help much appreciated
Hi AGAIN...........i know im a pain !!!!

I have been informed that it must be the crankshaft i have ordered a sensor and got to pick it up tomoz......
I cant find the crankshaft sensor looked and cant find it ???????? anyone got a picture of where it is by any chance ?????
thanks steve
Hi AGAIN...........i know im a pain !!!!

I have been informed that it must be the crankshaft i have ordered a sensor and got to pick it up tomoz......
I cant find the crankshaft sensor looked and cant find it ???????? anyone got a picture of where it is by any chance ?????
thanks steve

Hopefully somebody will be able to tell you. I've yet to play with a crankshaft sensor on an L series.

Out of curiosity is there any reason you are being told that it MUST be a crankshaft sensor? If it was any other engine I would have stuck to my guns and said that it was definately it. With the L series and given the description of the fault on the diagnostic I am still torn.:eek:
The fault says ignition timing deviation....... and ive read in the manual that the CKP sensor has something to do with the ignition timing ???
With already replaced Engine Temp Sensor and Throttle Sensor and injector with needle sensor.....surely its got to be it.......Im hoping so and a miracle !!!!! LOL
What do you think it could be :
When driving sometimes after 200 yards sometimes after 1/2 mile the red light would come on.....if i let off the accelaerator the red light would go off........sometimes when driving it would lose power then regain again after letting off accelarator and sometimes if i change down a gear !! The fault on T4 computer says ignition timing deviation intermittent

The fault says ignition timing deviation....... and ive read in the manual that the CKP sensor has something to do with the ignition timing ???
With already replaced Engine Temp Sensor and Throttle Sensor and injector with needle sensor.....surely its got to be it.......Im hoping so and a miracle !!!!! LOL
What do you think it could be :
When driving sometimes after 200 yards sometimes after 1/2 mile the red light would come on.....if i let off the accelaerator the red light would go off........sometimes when driving it would lose power then regain again after letting off accelarator and sometimes if i change down a gear !! The fault on T4 computer says ignition timing deviation intermittent


As I've already said, If it was any engine other than the L series my money would still be on crankshaft sensor. On your description of the fault my money still is on crankshaft sensor. Going on the diagnostic computers description I'd say timing solenoid.

The crankshaft sensor reads a pin on the flywheeel everytime it passes the sensor. Sometimes when they're faulty they show up on a diagnostic as actually being crankshaft sensor, other times it'll come up with engine speed sensor or throttle sensor fault. I've never seen it come up as 'timing deviation' (although I'm not by any means saying that it's not possible). It can be worth checking the rpm on the diagnostic computer and making sure it is te same as that on the speedo. On some vehicles A faulty crank sensor will cause the engine speed to be taken from the camshaft sensor. This will cause the rpm on the diagnostic to read double what it actually is.

By the sounds of it you've already covered most bases with the exception of the crank sensor.

As it's a L series I would still not rule out the timing solenoid on the injection pump.

Trial and error is not usually top of my ways of doing things but sometimes it's the only way. Start with the cheapest and work up to the more expensive.
The mechanic at landrover specialist it could be crankshaft sensor as covered almost every other area.
Anyhow I fitted new crankshaft sensor ( £35 ) and it was a nightmare.....the mechanic pointed me where it was and i did it was basically underneath the engine and was difficult to get to....was searching for the bolt to take it off blind as couldnt see it only feel it.
But guess what it wasnt that...... I have booked it in for saturday but i have also been told on this forum that the timing solonoid could be the issue ???????
Another thing is when i rev it about 3000 rpm after few seconds it would lose power and smoke would come from engine and mechanic doesnt know where it comes from, when it does this it also makes a rattle noise ( back fire noise i think but no bang )if u know what i mean?
Im gonna price up a timing solonoid and if cheap enough might fir it before i go tomoz.....
Where is the timing solonoid ?????

Thanks steve
Where is the timing solonoid ?????

Thanks steve

It's on the injection pump. I don't know if it's summit you can do yourself or summit that needs an injection specialist. You might wanna do a bit of googling to see if anyone has been able to do it themselves.
try checking CMP sensor this is used on start up to synchronize the ECM programme with the CKP to identify number one cylinder for injector timing.
when this is achieved the CMP sensor is no longer used in the ECM programme as it is a hall effect sensor could be covered in crap giving false reading (if it had failed the engine would crank but not start not the symptoms you describe) worth a try
CMP, EC, CKP,,,,, er, bit of brain fade at this end - could someone explain what these are.

I'm quite new to the Freelander and still trying to learn,,my excuse anyway

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