
New Member
Recently bought a 1999 freelander 2.0l XDI. its in very good condition and everything works well. im the 3rd owner but the second owner said they had same problem.

when dipstick is removed its near on impossible to replace.

any ideas any1??
The dipstick originally had a plastic tip, which tends to break off. I took a metal file and just filed the dipstick tip round (it was square with sharp corners). Now it goes in without any problems.:clap2:
yep! I had the same problem only the plastic tip blocked the dip stick tube and I couldn't replace the dip stick. Had to strip out and clear the tube, a right waste of time! If you have a plastic blob on the end of your dip-stick, I would break it off or file it off before the same thing happens to you!
yep! I had the same problem only the plastic tip blocked the dip stick tube and I couldn't replace the dip stick. Had to strip out and clear the tube, a right waste of time! If you have a plastic blob on the end of your dip-stick, I would break it off or file it off before the same thing happens to you!

Hi, I am in Syd, Au.
I had the same problem with you. Could you please tell me how did you strip it? I am afraid that the plastic tip could fall into the engine then damage the engine, if i do not do it carefully.

If possible, please send me the pictures or video clips to my email rrhanguyenmanh@yhaoo.com

It is not a difficult job. I can't remember now exactly what I did but I do remember that it was easy enough. The dipsick tube is a push fit in the engine block and IIRC is held in place by a bolt. Trouble is it was a while ago now and I can't remember if I took the radiator out to gain access. It should be obvious when you come to do the job. I only had to do this because the plastic ball on the end of the dipstick had blocked the tube. If yours hasn't done this you may just be able to bend the tube to make the access easier.:)

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