Well we picked up the new car Thursday. Must say it looks great in Java Black.





My wife loves it too and i think its a perfect choice from what we could agree on.

I think the stainless Tubes finish it off perfectly too.

This might sound stupid but is there a running in period with staying below a certain amount of revs?


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Na just floor it,it will take any stick you could dare to give it, it will last for ever ,wot a smart lookin motor. . . ;)
oooooooo, how nice does that look? :eek:
To run it in I think the Land Rover recomendation is to give it to a V6 owner for a week. Hang on, I've still got my V6 so I could offer my services. Bing it over today, you can have it back next weekend all run in :cool:
I will have to get some pictures of mine up, just the same but with different wheels and steps (wheels are the 3 spoke HSE and steps are the swoop black originals).

I have been looking at getting a set of the 18" sport alloys but just to expensive at the mo, cheapest I have seen is £725 inc. tyres for 4 (back one would be covered).
Go on Tash, do it, you know it makes sense. Worse fuel ecenomy, dent in the pocket but it will look reel sweet :D
Just can't justify it, wheels and tyres are brand new, so £725 on another set is a bit extravagant especially when I am getting myself a new car which is where my hard earned is going (freelander is wifes)
yella disco said:
i just noticed the block paving, do you live at a landrover dealership then ;)

lol, No i had to sell our house and im now living in the car, they let me park it up at night but have to move on in the morning.

Into my third month with mine now - apart from the odd niggle, I'm still loving it - pics posted if ya wanna look - I wish I could get the roof down a bit more bloody often tho'!!!

Where in the Midlands are ya - Stourbridge here
Thanks for the nice posts guys,

I do really like the Sport and the 18" 8 spoke alloys are a must for me. Ive taken off the wheel cover now as it looks more in-keeping.

The sales person we dealt with had a HSE with the sport wheels..... i cant see the real advantage of the HSE, you get Full leather (we added that) Better Stereo (i could uprade at an ICE shop) and a Sund roof...... the other 2 cars are soft tops.

No bloody flowers for the wife or anything on collection!

Just need to ring them up as one of the stickers is slightly coming away and there seems a little too much leather in the middle of the rear seat.

If theres a running in period it will likely take 4 months as we will only be doing about 4-5k in it per year!!!!


Hi Guys,

Just an Update, its nearly 3 weeks now and i really like the Sport! I wont event admit to how many times ive either wiped over it with just water or simply dusted it but hey ho i picked the colour!

Its a prefect car for us and at the moment its lovely and mint still (wait till the baby turns up!) :rolleyes:

Maybe its just because we have a new toy, but since having it ive ended up going out to dinner and other things in it rather than any other the other fleet which is funny because the other cars are more suited to summer weather!

Still not sold my Celica which is a bit of a downer as i had to re-insure for the year now :eek:

Well i will keep the updates going but so far my only complaints is some of the inside trim is a bit cheap and i hate the material near the door handle as its always marked up due to pushing on it.

Oh and the Brake Hubs have rusted more than any other car ive owned! Like the drums though only because the rear alloys stay clean lol Sorry.

All in all very happy with the new relationship.


Hi All

Just thought i would update on how the wagon is doing.

Im keeping the Sport tip top, Popped it in the show room and our sales guy said it was cleaner than when we picked it up! lol I have to say i have grown to love it, it looks great in black and we have had the windows Tinted darker for the little one so it looks even Cooler :D

My Daily car is a little sporty number but i go for the Freelander in the evening for a chill.

Would love to upgrade in a few years to a Range Rover Sport but if i dont im going to hold on to ours for a fair few years.

I do like the idea of colour coding the now plastic trim to match the rest of the car, if done right and well i think it would look great, and save me putting gel on them every few weeks! The other thing is im defo going to replace the dodge material door trim for a matching leather trim.

All in all enjoying owning the FreeLander.


Hi All,

2 year update!!!!!!!!

Read a couple of threads about being a happy owner so i thought it would be nice to post on my very first thread.

The Sports just about 2 years old to the day and we as a family are more than happy with it. I still love it and although it takes up more of my time keeping looking nice than i care to mention theres something about it.

Its gone in for its 2nd service today!!! 500 big ones but while its under warrenty im keeping with the main dealer stamps. Please say a little praye for us both... oh and my credit card!

So far the mileage is just over 11k and my wife mainly uses it in the day and me mostly at night. I have recently bought another car but that really is a fair weather car and the freelander sits on the drive anyway.

My main grumble is the window seals which seem to be prone to hold dirt and mark the window.. getting one window replaced today so hopefully will be ok.

Anyway im in the new freelander today and i can honestly say i prefer ours..

Will let you know the damage price wise tomorrow.


glad it's all working out ok for you, she's a peach ! how about some pictures of her now, so we can see how she's aged.

Always nice when you're decision plays out
its nice to hear from someone who asked a question, listened to the answers and was happy with their decision! ;)

See! its not just a forum for moaning about things when they go wrong! :D

I'm in my 4th Freelander and wouldn't change it for any other Make! :)


:D :D
Seeing as everyone is waxing lyrical about the sport,

Do you want to buy mine.

Nothing wong with it, just fancy a change.

Pm me if you are interested:)

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