
New Member
Hi I have a 2004 freelander 1 63,000 miles and every-time I go over speed bumps or bad bumpy road or pot holes it feels like am driving over a kerb , think it may be the suspension but not making any noises any help as I am not very good about cars thanks
Hi I have a 2004 freelander 1 63,000 miles and every-time I go over speed bumps or bad bumpy road or pot holes it feels like am driving over a kerb , think it may be the suspension but not making any noises any help as I am not very good about cars thanks

not very good about forums either from the looks of it:rolleyes:
Hi I have a 2004 freelander 1 63,000 miles and every-time I go over speed bumps or bad bumpy road or pot holes it feels like am driving over a kerb , think it may be the suspension but not making any noises any help as I am not very good about cars thanks

First, you need to get one of these:


Then, take your ass over to the Introduce Yourself Thread, and, well, introduce yourself (it's called good manners you see)

Then, search for your problem using that little thing at the top right hand of the screen called........wait for it......... "Search"

Then, if you havent found a solution, maybe, just maybe try posting in the Freelander section of the forum.


Anything else you need help with? Blowing your nose? Getting dressed? Wiping your....no, sorry, draw the line there :D

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