Hard Drive

Active Member
I inspected the Sediment/Water filter on my Td4 and discovered the two connectors, situated on the top cover, were loose enough to rotate easily with lots of play. More than enough to suggest air could be easily drawn in when the Low-Pressure Pump was running.
Fuel water sediment filter.png
I dismantled the filter assembly, finding there were three rubber-seals for each connector. The seals had become tough and not so flexible. The grey-coloured plastic covers were brittle as well.
I might have replaced the rubber-seals if I had any, but didn’t.

I, instead, used one of the black-plastic pipes to connect the hose from the tank to the one before the pump.

I had been getting a noise like air escaping from the High-Pressure Pump, which is why I investigated the Low-Pressure Pump’s filter. Having removed the filter assembly and replaced it with an uninhibited pipe, the air-noise has gone and I swear my car runs even better.

I have since ordered an in-line filter from Ebay. A Link follows.


I hope this might help others.

As for my car’s original filter assembly… it’s binned.
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So have you removed the sediment and water trap and just filtered the fuel? Not sure how the water is removed in a trap anyway?
Yes, Andy. The complete Filter assembly has been removed and will be replaced with the in-line filter, on receipt, as seen using the provided Link.
Oil (Diesel) floats on water so any moisture should accumulate at the filter's lowest point.
If the replacement In-Line filter is mounted in such a way, where one edge is lying horizontally, any water ingress should pool there and be easily visible when checked.
Also, as the filter is transparent, any debris should be apparent too.
@andyfreelandy When you said you were "Not sure how the water is removed in a trap anyway?" I thought I'd explain them to you. I'll be honest, I havent touched the water trap / de-sedimenter on our hippo, but normally where @Hard Drive has his right hand in the first picture, there is a little drain cock to open up on the filter to open up. Essentially because water is heavier than oil, even more so with light oil like diesel, the water sinks to the bottom of the vessel and the fuel runs over the top and goes through to the HP pump.This is a picture I've blagged from ebay, and put yellow dashed box around the drain cock at the bottom. I also rotated it so it sits on screen as it would on the vehicle.

Hi. I never fully answered Andy's question concerning the drain plug. However, I wish to add, the last time I undid that plug it broke. The plastic had become hard and brittle, much like the grey plastic above.
All-in-all, I consider that trap to be time limited and mine had expired.
Would it not be better to undo the lower section and replace the big washer now and again ?
Would it not be better to undo the lower section and replace the big washer now and again ?

Diddypud, Hi. It's not the big washer that was to blame, it was the three rubber seals for each inserted pipe that was faulty. Everything was time-ex and knackered.
The seals had obviously succumbed to the effects of diesel, rendering them ineffective to the point of allowing air into the filter. That was my finding and I stand by it.
And if my Freelander (2004) was as badly affected - as it indeed was... then I can only imagine all the rest are too. Check what you have, I suggest.
'Bite the bullet', I always say, and ditch the old for the new - Filter that is, and not the wife. Although... ! Hmm. Only joking.
Hi Hard drive, I have the same issue with air getting into the separator, how did you remove the pipes at the top... I don't want to risk breaking them and causing myself even more issues. Cheers
Hi Hard Drive , how did you remove the pipes at the top ? I have the same problem....
You might be waiting for a long time for a response. The last time he posted on the forum was 4 years ago, and then he said he was off to explore Africa for a while.

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