
New Member
does anyone know where I can get two seatbelt extensions for Freelander 1.

I have 3 car seats across the back and I want the two older kids to work their seatbelts, but it's getting difficult as the clicky bit is buried between 2 car seats.

I have tried a few ebay shops but none fitted.

There is a mobility shop who sell them. dont know the cost but if you ring them on 0161-745-9737 then they will give you the details, they come with a money back offer if they do not fit.
These are dangerous. I wouldn't use them on my babies car seat.
They aren't dangerous if you get the European E4 Rated ones from a reputable company . Only issue you'll have is the shape of the belt catch as if you look at the original catch on the seat it has a cut out for the belt end to rest in to make it insert further. I haven't found one yet that can do this so you'll need to watch out for this and ensure you can return any you buy if they don't fit.

Again the extensions are made for disabled people usually and as long as they are certified they are safe

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