Think they can only be got from land rover something to do with immobiliser and coding. Heard cost is around £220. In same boat as you, so hoping someone knows of a cheaper way?
it will be expensive

depends on what year and type of key you have, if it has a transponder in the key u need it to be coded by lamd rober or a hawkeye will do it

need to order a key from a Land Rover dealer, need to take ur log book, Id down to them and they will order an exact copy for u

it then u will need it coding

also depends on how many times keys have been coded on the hippo as i belive as the ecu stores the rolling code as think there's a max amount 10 I think, before u need to replace the ecu,

for some reason certain main dealers insist straight away u replace the ecu and that will start pushing the cost towards £500

but when I got in touch with my local dealer they said they can clear all the codes so it seems the luck of the draw in how bothered they can be

talk to ur local dealer to find out what the total cost will be all in and running

the key fob if u need a spare one can be got off line as that's got nothing to do with the immobilser , just opens and closes the door and think they are around 80 quid as they need to be re synched with the motor as well

if u pop over to the freelander section and do a search there has been a lot of discussions about getting keys done

hope that helps abit but ur first port of call will be ur main dealer and to go from there as different dealers seem to have a different opinion and price on this , so always better to get it from them straight away what the guaranteed price is for a working new key

this is a company for land rover key fobs that others have used
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hi sorry for late reply thats great advice mate i was thinking along the lines of a main dealer try to avoid them like the plage lol ill give them a ring in the week ill have a chair at the ready thanks again for your time mate

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