evening peeps, I've got a FL1 td4 54 plate, I'm in the process of rebuilding the diesel injection pump, just done the tiny O rings, is it imperative to do the two larger green o rings that are on the central cam? Any advice and experiences? Cheers Andy
evening peeps, I've got a FL1 td4 54 plate, I'm in the process of rebuilding the diesel injection pump, just done the tiny O rings, is it imperative to do the two larger green o rings that are on the central cam? Any advice and experiences? Cheers Andy

If you have gone to the trouble of pulling the pump out and stripping the cylinder heads, why wouldn't you do the drive shaft rings as well? You don't want to reassemble it to the engine and find that you are leaking there too. On the other hand it is low(er) pressure on those seals so they are less likely to leak but they are still 14 years old.

I'd change them.

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