New Member
Please help. I recently bought a freelander 1.8 petrol on a r reg. Its gone through its mot no problem at all. Did have one problem though the heating was not very warm so i bought a new thermostat which my other half fitted on sunday, so now lovely and warm!! Only downside is that now the engine is overheating?? My other half has bleed the engine to make sure no air bubbles etc, we also spoke to the person we bought it off and he had head gasket replaced 2 years am thinking that this shouldnt be the problem, am also hoping this isnt the problem as dont have money to get it fixed. So has anyone got any ideas/suggestions. The car isnt leaking from anywhere so no obvious signs of what problem could be apart from the over heating. When my other half replaced the thermostat he did say that the old one looked as though it had been jammed open? Could this have possibly been done to stop it overheating??
Please please help as i need the car to go and see family at xmas
thanks :)
check the coolant tank for cracks and the coolant tank cap - known problem areas.

as are sequential HGF!:(

good luck Vicky
2 years since the HG was done on a 1.8, thats a long time for most of those engines.

If it wasn't the HG thats causing it, you can probably bet that it's part of it now, they hate overheating.
have another go making sure you have bled the system, where is the thermostat located, front or rear of engine,

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