
New Member
Hi guys, well I have just enjoyed 11 months of motoring in my pre-owned (1) Aug 03 freelander. I love the car and its capabilities having 3 Labradors and a fleet of model helicopters not to mention 3 kids to ship about.

You can imagine my shock when at the weekend my trustee freebie started making groaning noises, to cut along story short I took a trip to my local dealer who sat in the car and advised my it was probably the viscous coupling that had locked and I should take the prop of and try it which I have....

The thing is still complaining all be it not as bad, I'm well thinking its knackered the IRD as well?

Any opinions please
Hippoos always hurt ya pocket - it goes wiv the territory. You got away lightly fur 11 months. thats betta than lots :D
Its always worth checking the obvious, bearings mainly,.... but if the VCU has siezed then potentially the IRD has been traumered along with other componants like rear diff & gearbox... surely there must be a definitive way of checking these blooming VCU's:mad:

Thanks guys Ive started another thread on the subject as I just wasn't thinking when I posted this one!
My only bit of advice here is NOT to jump to any conclusions, and do a systematic inspection of the transmission.

A "groan" isn't a sound charactersitic with a seized VCU and taking the propshaft off isn't going to tell you whether or not the VCU is working.


Good advice Blippie!!

Well the story, after removing the prop, advice from the LR retailer, I backed my FL off the ramps and down the drive to my horror it was still doing the noise although I thought not as bad.

I Left the prop off for about 4 days going to and from work, 20mile round trip. On the 3 rd day the FL developed a clicking sound but not continuous, only on loading the engine in 1st and 2nd. I was absolutely convinced the IRD or gear box was about to fall apart any moment.

On the 4th day I was on my way home over some dreaded speed bumps with my head out of the window listening for the noise, which by this point seamed to be coming more from the front of the engine.....

By the time I got home I still had the IRD in the back of my mind the noise, scrapping and clicking was happening at very low tick over (wasn't happening before in neutral). I had my doubts over the IRD and turned my attention to pulley bearings although I couldn't quite connect the over noises when driving the car along.

Well I striped a few pipes back to pear in the engine bay to try and view pulleys in action, my attention was diverted to try and remove the plastic cover in the offside inner wing(the bit that clips to the under pan). I touched it and the NOISE GOT LOUDER.....I pulled it back and it clipped into place and the noises STOPPED!!!

After a trip to the LR dealer, an A claim being submitted, a few sleepless nights and lots of research, it turned out to be the Plastic engine cover DOOH, relived I can tell you but it had me and few other people thinking the worst.

Thanks for all the advice guys.....touch wood the story ends
with all the horror stories on here, its nice to hear of a happy cheap ending,

U See they are not always money pits!

I wont mention my £1000 repair bill on my auto!:D

Still lve my little beastie, (for now as its working):cool:
Good result, Daren.

... of course, you never know, your IRD might explode tomorrow ...


Good point, how would I know if the IRD starts to fail or does it just go bang, for the first time I got stuck in a field on Thursday, went to fly my model helis, the local police dog section were training in my flying spot so I ventured in to another field, well it did look hard and frozen, then my trusted FL sunk. I just couldn't shift it. Had to get the farmer to pull me out, he snapped the rope so had to use a chain on his monster tipper, I also sunk when I got out the car, blathered in mud, me and the car, he he
Hi guys, well I have just enjoyed 11 months of motoring in my pre-owned (1) Aug 03 freelander. I love the car and its capabilities having 3 Labradors and a fleet of model helicopters not to mention 3 kids to ship about.

You can imagine my shock when at the weekend my trustee freebie started making groaning noises, to cut along story short I took a trip to my local dealer who sat in the car and advised my it was probably the viscous coupling that had locked and I should take the prop of and try it which I have....

The thing is still complaining all be it not as bad, I'm well thinking its knackered the IRD as well?

Any opinions please


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