
New Member
Tried removing the free wheeling hub caps to start stripping down the front axle of my series 3, I've took out the single screw which I thought would allow it to be pulled off but it won't budge, does it just need some persuasion or is there more to it than that, my manual doesn't cover free wheeling hubs.
Also which way does the rear prop shaft go, is it gaiter nearest to the gearbox or the other way, I can't remember from taking it off, which I'm putting down to old age rather than stupidy.
Early ones were just bolt on...i think there is a nylon tie behind the screw that need taking out too..
My rear prop hasnt got a gaitor or any signs od where one was, only my front prop has, so it might be another part thats required for mine lol, but the slider is at the front near the gear box if that helps.
Yeah that does help I've just fitted a new gaitor to mine couldn't remeber which way it went back on thanks. Still not sure about how the free wheeling hub caps come off.
with your FWH as Storm says I think there's something under the screw that looks like a nylon cup washer ... you prise this carefully out and it's connected to something that looks like a cable tie which you pull gently out from a machined recess inside both parts of the hub, then once out the hub pops off. If I recall they're easier to get out than back in again.

that's assuming you probably have the older fairey type hubs?
Yeah I'd like to leave them alone but I can't fully withdraw the bolts behind them to acces the hub, cheers.

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