
New Member
Hi all,

I have just recently received an invite from my main dealer in Cambrige service department to go in and have a FREE software update to make sure it "Kept up to date" just like my computer at home blah blah blah.... and a free 24 point visual health Check.

I assume this will be some kind of open the customers wallet exercise on thier part.

Has any one had this software update done. If so was it worth while doing.

Thank you in advance.

Fire Oyster
why fix something that AINT brokan ! :p

aint updated my PC operating system since i installed it last year ! lol - causes more problems that it solves me thinks ...
I remember getting the ECU updated on my Ford Puma many years ago to cure a flat spot in acceleration and it worked :)
a main dealer will know from the records on its system whether your chassis or reg number has an update outstanding and what issue it addresses.

so if they're telling you they need the vehicle to check if it's software is up to date then that sounds like they're just trying to get custom from the 'free health check'
If it was a Freelander 2 , then i would 100% go for it.

Freelander 1, i wouldnt bother, i dont know of any software fixes any issues.

Freelander 2 has many many many :)

On the other hand if you want a free VHC, then by all means go , its just a sure sign that Marshalls are low on work :p
If my 2001 were offered the same free software update and health check, all for free, I'd go. Certain v6 owners that needed a software update which they didn't get soon enough, needed a new engine later on. You never know. And if it's free you walk off wiv a list of things.
Yeah but for the Kv6 there was an Engine download and there was the new gearbox ECU and speed sensor mod, which was software related.

For the Td4 i dont remember a single software fix, but ofc its upto Fire, his car :)

On the other hand if it was a FL2 i'd want my PCM, TCM, RDCM doing straight off just to stop the 'loss of drive' issues :)
Hi All,

well I booked my landy in for the free software update and health check.

In all it was worth while.

First off they advised that the software update was not required as it was already the latest on avialable.

Few Amber advisory points.

Prop shaft bearing were worn.
Rear Diff front Mount Split.
Several perrished bushes.
Low battery in the key fob
Slight Fuel leak ( I already knew about this one)

Total for parts ONLY Approx £450.

I have changed the battery £2.50
Prop shaft Bearings I got 2 x for £20.00 (£40.00 Inc VAT& DEL) ea
Rear diff front mount Genuine Lany (17.00 Inc vat and del)
Bushes (£25)

Total for part £85.00

So in the main yes worth while in some respects to point out potential problems.

The fuel filter was changed as part of the service waiting to see if that sorts out the slight leak.

the chap who done the service said the leak was below the fuel pump. so it could be the line between the pump and the filter. Anybody got a part number for that?.

pretty much as expected then, just a ploy to get you into the workshop so they can generate a bit of business.

cheap vcu bearings are a mistake, they won't last, you should have gone for the more costly but far better GKN bearings

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