Thats Bollocks

Active Member
Got a bearmach hawkeye .
Its unlocked foe the l322 range rovers.

Does anyone know where i can get hold of free unlock codes for other landys?

No. Pay for the codes, that then goes back to the Manufacturer to go towards development costs. If everyone were to get codes for free, why would Hawkeye want to continue development and updates? I use a BlackBox device and have paid over £1k for codes so far. Don't expect to get codes for free, and if I saw them anywhere I'd report them.

Sharing the workshop manuals & parts lists is one thing........

The unlock code is much the same as a software disc you would buy with the random 24 characters or whatever they are.
They would be specific to your unit as that also has a serial number.
Think they are about £50 a model to purchase
No. Pay for the codes, that then goes back to the Manufacturer to go towards development costs. If everyone were to get codes for free, why would Hawkeye want to continue development and updates? I use a BlackBox device and have paid over £1k for codes so far. Don't expect to get codes for free, and if I saw them anywhere I'd report them.

Sharing the workshop manuals & parts lists is one thing........


How can they justify 200 quid for a unluck code?
The actual unit only costs 300 quid.
If they actually charged 40 or 50 quid then that would be ok.

As for reporting people for trying to save money! Well the world has names for people like that!
That's condoning software piracy, it only costs pence to make a disc but development and future support cost a lot more, if u don't like the price go to a indy or stealer, but Il assume that will cost more in the long run, I'm not against saving money but you gotta think of the bigger picture
That's condoning software piracy, it only costs pence to make a disc but development and future support cost a lot more, if u don't like the price go to a indy or stealer, but Il assume that will cost more in the long run, I'm not against saving money but you gotta think of the bigger picture

Let me re- phrase this.
The hawkeye unit costs£300 to buy and it comes with 1 unlock code!
They then charge around£ 200 to buy another 24 digit unlock code!

So in theory the unit itself is only worth £100 pounds!.

Once you have bought the unit i cannot for the life of me understand how they can ask £200 pounds for a passcode.
Your not adding any software to the unit. You are just unlocking what you already own.
Let me re- phrase this.
The hawkeye unit costs£300 to buy and it comes with 1 unlock code!
They then charge around£ 200 to buy another 24 digit unlock code!

So in theory the unit itself is only worth £100 pounds!.

Once you have bought the unit i cannot for the life of me understand how they can ask £200 pounds for a passcode.
Your not adding any software to the unit. You are just unlocking what you already own.

You really don't get it do you:rolleyes: The hardware cost is F all, the real cost is in developing the software and maintaining it. Why do you think you have to buy a unique copy of Windows for every PC you might own? Same principle even applies to a book, if you want a second copy you have to buy it, it's illegal to copy it.
They figure that if you want more than one unlock code you are using the device for profit so you should pay. If you don't like it you should have bought a Nanocom not a Hawkeye.
Let me re- phrase this.
The hawkeye unit costs£300 to buy and it comes with 1 unlock code!
They then charge around£ 200 to buy another 24 digit unlock code!

So in theory the unit itself is only worth £100 pounds!.

Once you have bought the unit i cannot for the life of me understand how they can ask £200 pounds for a passcode.
Your not adding any software to the unit. You are just unlocking what you already own.

We get this at work all the time, someone sees the product, says it only worth a few hund red quid and why can't they have it cheaper. What they don't see is the years of research and the tens of thousands spent on machinery etc.. to get to product. Best find another forum fella.
How can they justify 200 quid for a unluck code?
The actual unit only costs 300 quid.
If they actually charged 40 or 50 quid then that would be ok.

As for reporting people for trying to save money! Well the world has names for people like that!

I'm glad to see that you are getting a hard time for this, maybe LZ has turned a corner:cool::cool:

How anyone can come on a Range Rover support forum and moan about about somebody making a few quid from their brainchild is beyond me:(:(

It was a Capitalist system that put that corpulent leather armchair under your ass in the first place, but now that you've arrived in your throne you don't want the common pleb to make a few pound from the upkeep of your carriage. FFS £200 is two trips to the Main Stealer. The guys at Bearmach, and BBS long before them, have enabled you to save £1000's in maintenance over the lifetime of the vehicle ownership (and hawkeye isn't even VIN locked:doh:) and you feel aggrieved that they might deign to charge you extra so that you can make a few pound reading other vehicle types. Take a loooong look in the mirror mate:mad:
Looks like im onto a looser here then
I understand what most of you guys are saying about development costs, etc etc.
And i get the pirating law side( but let him who has not watched a pirated film cast the first stone)

I am not a car mechanic and i am not wanting to make money from the hawkeye unit by fixing cars and charging people for the fixing.

I thought i could help my mates out if they had issues with there landys etc.

But i am not spending £200 quid per pop. On different vehicles.

But as you all dissagree i must come to terms with the fact that helping my mates fix there cars for free is not gonna happen!

On a final thought before i am hung drawn and quartered , do you not agree that if hawkeye dropped there prices on unlock codes then more people woyld actually buy them?

I would not be bothered spending £ 50/ 60 quid per unlock.
But at £200 it is potentially driving people to the garage to get a mechanic to diagnose a fault for them?.
Looks like im onto a looser here then
I understand what most of you guys are saying about development costs, etc etc.

Fair Play to you:cool:

On a final thought before i am hung drawn and quartered , do you not agree that if hawkeye dropped there prices on unlock codes then more people woyld actually buy them?

I would not be bothered spending £ 50/ 60 quid per unlock.
But at £200 it is potentially driving people to the garage to get a mechanic to diagnose a fault for them?.

I suppose thats where consumer economics comes into it. At £50 per extra vehicle type you'll sell one Hawkeye to a group of people. By making the differential between owning your own and being able to borrow someone elses at only £100 (300-200) you would expect more people to buy a Hawkeye for their vehicle type.

The business model has been proven on an even more restrictive basis (VIN locked) by BBS so Bearmach have got it right.

BTW the reason you got such a harsh response from older members here is that up until a few years back there were no alternatives other than dealers/indies available to us owners when we had a problem. BBS were the first to make diagnostics available to owners at a rate that made economic sense when you sat down and looked at it and that was at £800+ for a VIN locked system. I personally find it incredulous that people think the newer systems are expensive and actually expect someone else to pop tthis stuff out for nothing.

The likes of BBS, RSW Solutions and Bearmach are not microsoft or autodesk etc, billion dollar beheamoths which everyone takes joy out of hacking, these are family run businesses who have developed off their own backs products that are of real value to people like you and me. My BBS Faultmate is intrinsic to my P38 ownership, I could not own the P38 without the diagnostics, its as simple as that. If someone hacks their software and releases it for free they will not be in a position to support me now or more importantly, into the future should I purchase another LR down the line.
I would not be bothered spending £ 50/ 60 quid per unlock.
But at £200 it is potentially driving people to the garage to get a mechanic to diagnose a fault for them?.

If you are unfortunate enough to require 4 fault codes reading/clearing over the course of a couple of years then an outlay of 200 could save you money if your local Indy charges 60.00 a pop for his services. There are and will be again people that have had to return to the Indy several times, for the same fault before finally resolving the problem.

I agree with Spud totally about, BBS, Hawk-eye and the big boys (test-book/Auto-logic?) and keeping the small diagnostics firms going.

Lets face it if you had a second hand test-book where would you go for information/support, you would never get to talk to the system designer on a forum and get an almost immediate reply.

I have an BBS Extreme, I started out with a SV licence, then upgraded to a MV licence, because I wanted to be able to help others.
anybody in their right mind can see that yes the codes may cost £200 if thats what they really cost, but once you diagnosed a few issues even at mates rates you gained back your £200 and then its profit all day long!! dont hear many people grumble once they're into profit.
anybody in their right mind can see that yes the codes may cost £200 if thats what they really cost, but once you diagnosed a few issues even at mates rates you gained back your £200 and then its profit all day long!! dont hear many people grumble once they're into profit.

Like i said earlier.
I agree with nearly everyones points on this issue.
This is not about earning a few quid of my mates!
If i can help someone out then i will!

Thats why im on this forum.
A. So that people can help me!
B. I may be able to help others!
And unlike some folk on here who use this forum as a business card,well good look to them because i will probably use them too.

Happy new year to you all

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