Tom Mc

Active Member
To assist planning throughout the year, I have created an Events Calendar accessible to all via the homepage of my event website at LandyRally - European Charity drive … bottom left-hand button.

Totally free to view it contains all the major 4x4, Land Rover and off-road shows of the year (if I have missed one – please email me!), plus a fair number of 4x4 competitions, club events and commercial off-road pay ‘n’ play days.

Obviously it can’t list everything going on, but I think you’ll find it useful nevertheless.

NOTE: Although this Calendar has been exhaustively researched, it is always advisable to contact organisers first before setting out in case of postponement, cancellation, change of venue, or the fact there may be a simple typo error on my part - please check first.

Took a lot of research but glad to pass it on. Good or a bad idea? Constructive criticism to improve it please - let me know!
looks useful , but when did they move valentine`s day :D March
14th (Friday) Valentines Day! Remember, this year!
I didn't did I? Doh! :confused: Never was much of a romantic! At least it shows you're paying attention. :D

Anyhow, my trusty webmaster chappie has like you noticed it, so it's back where it should be now - Thursday 14th February. TA!
Right, the feedback about the calendar was so positive on various 4x4 forums that I have decided to launch a free internet resource site solely for information about 4x4 events.

Produced by enthusiasts for enthusiasts …





Entitled not only can you see what is happening where and when, new events can also be listed within its pages. If you are an event organiser - club, forum group, charity, commercial off-road centre or a major 4x4 show - providing an event is open to the general public and includes four-wheel-drive vehicles, then it can be included.

Just as important, if you know of an event that has been postponed or cancelled, please inform the site as soon as possible and it will be announced virtually instantly. Everyone has been caught out at some time or another when events are called off, this should help enormously in preventing future wasted journeys. The technology has existed for ages, all I’m doing is making use of it. Hope you like it!

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