I suggest you read the sale of goods act. It does apply but, of course you have to give the seller the opportunity to rectify any faults. That is only reasonable. Being reasonable is what it is all about, but the law is on your side.

Sellers will also dispute that.
Read the crock of sh1te thread.
I suggest you read the sale of goods act. It does apply but, of course you have to give the seller the opportunity to rectify any faults. That is only reasonable. Being reasonable is what it is all about, but the law is on your side.

Sellers will also dispute that.
Read the crock of sh1te thread.
My understanding is the SASOG act only applies if the vehicle was bought before October 2015. The law changed after that and issues relating to vehicles with issues are subsequently covered by the consumer act. The end result is as stated, identify the problem, go back to the seller within 30 days and argue the toss. The seller in this case doesn't seem the sort of chap who will play by the rules and therefore probably it will result in court action
The dealer in question Charles Smailes ( foxhills defender centre ) is on a suspended sentence already for cheating people out of thousands and now seems to think he can carry on doing it when under terms and conditions of his sentence !! I was a victim of his ( can't give details yet ) but if you have been ripped off by this criminal you must contact trading standards ( bucks and Surrey ) also log with police, young Mr smailes could be locked up !
Not at all helpful but who buys cars like this?
Not seen or test driven, felt pressurised on the phone and then mugged off by the delivery driver. Alarm bells would have gone off for me at every stage.
Hopefully you get this sorted quickly and enjoy your purchase
Not at all helpful but who buys cars like this?
Not seen or test driven, felt pressurised on the phone and then mugged off by the delivery driver. Alarm bells would have gone off for me at every stage.
Hopefully you get this sorted quickly and enjoy your purchase
I buy my cars from eBay usually, apart from the posted photos and sellers description, I have not seen them in the flesh, so to speak, or test driven them. My last one was a Freelander, I spotted it with only minutes before the end of the auction and it was about 150 miles away. I expect, one day I will get badly stung but it's all part of the excitement of getting a new(used) car.

I buy my cars from eBay usually, apart from the posted photos and sellers description, I have not seen them in the flesh, so to speak, or test driven them. My last one was a Freelander, I spotted it with only minutes before the end of the auction and it was about 150 miles away. I expect, one day I will get badly stung but it's all part of the excitement of getting a new(used) car.

I've ebayed too, including my range but I was prepared to call it off if there was something I weren't happy with.
Doesn't help the OP much but hopefully their next purchase will be much better
After months of back and forth with Charlie Smailes at Foxhills Defender Centre promising to compensate me for the unexpected work needed to the truck I’m still no further forward. Reported online to Surrey Trading Standards but had nothing more than an acknowledgement so far. I was in the area a couple of times and decided to drop in unannounced and try and sort it out face to face with him. I was surprised (don’t know why TBH...) to find that the place is clearly home to Gypsies (or whatever the PC Term for them is...) and there was all sort of suspicious looking Land Rover stuff around the place !!
Going to chalk it up to experience now but if anyone is tempted to buy a Defender from Foxhills Defender Centre or Charlie Smailes - for the love of God - DON’T.
The dealer in question Charles Smailes ( foxhills defender centre ) is on a suspended sentence already for cheating people out of thousands and now seems to think he can carry on doing it when under terms and conditions of his sentence !! I was a victim of his ( can't give details yet ) but if you have been ripped off by this criminal you must contact trading standards ( bucks and Surrey ) also log with police, young Mr smailes could be locked up !
Sorry you’ve fallen victim too but (please don’t take this the wrong way...) in a small way I’m glad I’m not the only one!! Hope Charles Smailes gets his just desserts!
Do not buy anything from these guys - complete con artists. I too have tried to purchase a 110 from them. I called about 5 times before I go any sort of response. Same sort of deal - have to send deposit, then the story changed to pay upfront. Spoke too my mate who is in the trade and he said to walk away.

I'm new to the forum but has anyone had any experience of Foxhills Defender Centre in Ottershaw, Surrey? I recently bought a 300tdi Defender 90 from them and am appalled at the Landy how the vehicle was sold and the dreadful service to try and sort the problems out. Am I the only one who has had this experience or has anyone else come across this crowd ?
The company name has since changed to Smiles Land Rover, which is why I never came across these posts before. I live in the States and I purchased a car from Charles Smailes, last month, the car wouldn't start when it arrived, It needed to be jumped, a broken serpentine belt, oil leaking from the gearbox, spray painted black with over spray everywhere, black engine oil, BLACK! most fluids are low to empty, car was filthy on the inside, burnt bulbs, battery gauge missing, replaced with a clock that is not wired and doesn't work, rear window tracks are cracked, fog light not wired, rusted doors, and the list goes on....it took him 7 weeks to mail the V5 and he kept telling me that he did, car was suppose to come with a 12 month warranty per contract but he hasn't honored that. Long story short, I've hired a lawyer and I'm suing him. (will check what the cost would be to add whoever experienced the same issue as me to this lawsuit, might worth making it the customers vs Mr. Smailes.

Here is the link to my car:

It looks great in the pictures but it's far from great!
I had read that he was involved in a scam and still gave him the benefit of the doubt as it was not related to car sales but lesson learned!
Long story short, I've hired a lawyer and I'm suing him
I've ebayed too, including my range but I was prepared to call it off if there was something I weren't happy with.
Only eBay myself too. However the guy was great, let me bring someone who knew landys and let me test drive it.

Sorry you’ve fallen victim too but (please don’t take this the wrong way...) in a small way I’m glad I’m not the only one!! Hope Charles Smailes gets his just desserts!
Anything come of this in the last half year?
I have fallen foul of Mr Charles Smailes at Landy Centre Ottershaw ( or Foxhills) (or Chobham). He is an out and out crook. I have had repairs carried out. These were done very badly and will have to be corrected by somebody competent. His charges were excessive and in typical fashion went up whilst the job was being done and the vehicle was in his possession and in bits. He wanted payment in cash. He denies everything of course. Suing him will be difficult because of his transient business whether it be tarmacing driveways or selling and servicing cars. He is tarting up old Defenders and selling them on with all the original defects.
I have fallen foul of Mr Charles Smailes at Landy Centre Ottershaw ( or Foxhills) (or Chobham). He is an out and out crook. I have had repairs carried out. These were done very badly and will have to be corrected by somebody competent. His charges were excessive and in typical fashion went up whilst the job was being done and the vehicle was in his possession and in bits. He wanted payment in cash. He denies everything of course. Suing him will be difficult because of his transient business whether it be tarmacing driveways or selling and servicing cars. He is tarting up old Defenders and selling them on with all the original defects.
Here at the Landy centre we are absolutely appalled at the this comment the welding work was carried out and passed the mot 4 pieces of welding completed and we was called and asked for a refund because the guy said the car only scraped through an mot that is impossible the car either passes or it fails and we even offerd to rectify any problems with the work and it was refused because the welding work passed the mot and there was nothing thing to be done only to try and scam a refund and payment was received by credit card not cash we sell 100s of defenders to happy customers every year and our after sales team try to rectify and problems quickly and sufficiently
Oh boy, here we go. I’d get the popcorn but if you’re hoping for a response, the flywheel chap posted that one post and hasn’t done anything since.

P.S I’ll save @Hippo the time.

“Welcome to the forum”
Here at the Landy centre we are absolutely appalled at the this comment the welding work was carried out and passed the mot 4 pieces of welding completed and we was called and asked for a refund because the guy said the car only scraped through an mot that is impossible the car either passes or it fails and we even offerd to rectify any problems with the work and it was refused because the welding work passed the mot and there was nothing thing to be done only to try and scam a refund and payment was received by credit card not cash we sell 100s of defenders to happy customers every year and our after sales team try to rectify and problems quickly and sufficiently
You should also be appalled by your command of proper punctuation.
How come you didn't test drive it before you bought it?
I'd not dream of buying a car without having a test drive and thoroughly checking over it, you could be buying anything!
When I bought my 110 I got a friend to go with me to check it out and make sure it was sound.
That was a rhetorical question, right?

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