
New Member
Hi guys
A friend whats to get rid of a project series !!! V5 says it was fist registered in 1973, but is it tax free?.
Is there someone who could check the chassis number, and what does it cost?
It does not matter when registered, only when manufactured.
I don't know who can check for you, hopefully someone more useful will be along soon :)

You need to buy a dating letter from Gaydon - google Gaydon motor heritage and it should get you there. What date was it registered in 1973? The vehicle needs to be built before 31/12/1972 to qualify as Tax Exempt. If it is not currently registered as Tax exempt then I would say I doubt it qualifies, if so, why didn't the previous owner do it? You can't change the taxation class until the vehicle has an MOT either.
Looks like first registered 28th March 1973?
Hmm how long did LR take to use chassis? / add engines etc?
Is it worth the £40.00?
Looks like first registered 28th March 1973?
Hmm how long did LR take to use chassis? / add engines etc?
Is it worth the £40.00?

Only worth £40 if it would be tax free!
I would guess it is not, has it been on the road or has it been parked up long?

Mate if you like it and see potential are you really that bothered about paying road tax on it. It's not like it's gonna be taxing a range river.
Or would you rather settle for a lesser car and save a few quid.
If its only going to cost £40 to buy I expect it will need hundreds if not thousands spending to get it sorted, unless you are getting an absolute bargain. Most rebuilds have an extra zero on the end. When you factor in road tax it doesn't really add up to much. If you really really must have a tax exempt vehicle, keep looking.
You need to buy a dating letter from Gaydon - google Gaydon motor heritage and it should get you there. What date was it registered in 1973? The vehicle needs to be built before 31/12/1972 to qualify as Tax Exempt. If it is not currently registered as Tax exempt then I would say I doubt it qualifies, if so, why didn't the previous owner do it? You can't change the taxation class until the vehicle has an MOT either.

I recently did this for a friend, they'd had there's over 10 years and had been paying road tax on it, they just didn't know that it could be free.

So, quite possibly will qualify.
Looks like first registered 28th March 1973?
Hmm how long did LR take to use chassis? / add engines etc?
Is it worth the £40.00?

Think you can pay £10 or something for them to check first, they then tell you buy email and if it is then you can spend £40 on the actual certificate.

Ok it means you may pay £50 in total, but, it also means it may only cost £10 if not instead of £40.
If its only going to cost £40 to buy I expect it will need hundreds if not thousands spending to get it sorted, unless you are getting an absolute bargain.

If you think the landy is £40 then you must reside on a head injuries unit.
If you think the landy is £40 then you must reside on a head injuries unit.

Nobody said what was going to cost £40 so I presumed the Land-Rover.

March 73 registration may have a build date prior to 31/12/72, but it would depend on the model really - bog standard 88 I doubt it as they were making hundreds a week and selling them quick.

Just do the enquiry with Gaydon as said above and you will know...
Manufactured before 31 Dec 1972 and its tax free. OK, paying for road tax is not such a big deal, but, the value is when you sell it on, everyone wants Tax Exempt.
hey if its over 3 tonn and pre 1960 its tax and mot ex hows that i know this as my dad has 1943 gmc cckw 353 ex redball express

That certainly doesn't apply to anything Land-Rover ever built.

A vehicle built on Jan 1st 1973 would have to pay tax, one built on or before 31/12/1972 would not - FACT.
You need to buy a dating letter from Gaydon - google Gaydon motor heritage and it should get you there. What date was it registered in 1973? The vehicle needs to be built before 31/12/1972 to qualify as Tax Exempt. If it is not currently registered as Tax exempt then I would say I doubt it qualifies, if so, why didn't the previous owner do it? You can't change the taxation class until the vehicle has an MOT either.

i have just had word back from the heritage museum and the list of things they have found about my landy is verry comprehensive including when the chassis was made all the serial numbers of parts factory manufacture notes alterations extras dispatch date and destination date of first sale factory mileage when delivered evrything you could think of

but as i originaly launched it as a general enquirey they wont release the details of this list till i send em the £40 plus postage wich ill be sending soon as possible now i know theyve got the bulletproof info i wanted before i contact the dvla for the v5 reapplication

his only comment in the email was its an early one for a series 3 :D:D:D
i have just had word back from the heritage museum and the list of things they have found about my landy is very comprehensive including when the chassis was made all the serial numbers of parts factory manufacture notes alterations extras dispatch date and destination date of first sale factory mileage when delivered everything you could think of

but as i originally launched it as a general enquiry they wont release the details of this list till i send em the £40 plus postage which ill be sending soon as possible now i know they've got the bulletproof info i wanted before i contact the dvla for the v5 reapplication

his only comment in the email was its an early one for a series 3 :D:D:D

If it has that level of info it must be a factory registered vehicle - usually all you get is line number, colour, build date, and where it was dispatched to - I should know, I have read the microfiches enough times myself. ;) Even the factory reg book usually only adds details like engine number, the person owning it...
A vehicle built on Jan 1st 1973 would have to pay tax, one built on or before 31/12/1972 would not - FACT.[/quote]

just as i thought, i was right then yipeeeeeee wahoooo in your face buda my son!! wahoooooooo hip hip hurray hip hurray hip hip ok you've got the jist im sure lol

Thanks guys ofr al the help
build date 18/2 so just outside.
Never mind worth a look anyway
Keep Landying

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