Stumpy 1970

New Member
I've got a 72 series 3 and the rear drivers side spring is sagging quite bad. I've tried lining it and taking it for a bumpy drive but no joy.
Therefore I'm planning on buying a set of para rear springs for lift the old girl back up.
I have loads of clearance on the front and want to know if it'll be okay to for paras just to the rear to solve my problem.
It does squat at the back so I guess she's been used to carry heavy loads over her life and therefore the springs are very tired.
Can I do this and should I also look at changing the shocks. I guess the answer is yes but funds are limited so looking to make her sit better for as little as possible on the short term and catch up with the rest later.
Firstly, buy your springs from GB Springs.

Secondly, yes, if you can afford it replace the shocks, but, you could test your current ones first, is there any resistance in compression and expansion? if not they are shot.
If you want to do it by spending as little as possible why not get standard springs instead of paras? I highly recommend paras as i've had them on mine for years but i wouldn't mix them with standard ones on the front,if your gonna fit them fit front and back at the same time. If the rear springs that are on it now are knackered fitting a good pair of standard springs will bring it back to its former glory. ;)
just put bollix on the back of my 88, works mint, will get front one,s when i can afford them but i,m in no rush ;)

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