
after just having a thread removed and not being able to post in for sale section due to lack of posts, how prey tell are you suposed to offer anything that another member may require ?:confused:
That's designed to stop people joining just to sell stuff. Spammers are all too common these days, and rip-off merchants. Most cannot be bothered to stick around long enough to get the required post-count.

This is a community so the idea is you join in. Participation, moral support and shared experience are considered more important than mere material items. By the time you get to 50(?) posts or so you can sell. Or you could PM a member in trouble and offer. Otherwise there is always Gumtree or eBay or whatever - the sites designed to sell.

Or you could ask one of the admins very politely if they could help.
well thats fair comment, but on the other hand common sense shows who joins just to sell and who logs in regular for constructive use of the site, 50 posts is a bit high unless you just want to talk crap, although owning a p38 as i do may get close to that figure, lol.

just a shame that when you have the odd thing to sell, somebody may lose out, maybe a better idea would be restrict to 5 sales until x amount of posts.

but hey ho im just a mere mortal living in the real world, lol
Blue Beasty might be able to help if you ask nicely. You joined a long time ago so pretty sure you're not in it for the selling rights.
Unfortunately we've had members ripped off for considerable sums and it appears that long standing but infrequent posters are one of the riskier type to buy from.

It's not personal or an allegation of any kind but the 50 post rule stands and isn't negotiable.

If exceptions were made it would put mods in an impossible position should a trade go sour.

It's no guarantee and problems are thankfully rare but the general consensus is the more time and shared experience a member invests the more likely they are to be, and want to be seen to be trustworthy.

If anyone posts a specific 'wanted' ad for something you have you're free to offer it on their thread.
It shouldn't take u long to get to 50 posts I've u own a p38 or u are a good mechanic unlike me I need plenty ov help

Other favourite topics include: should I switch to steel springs and diesel fuelling!
Well, just read this thread and this line stood out - ' Unfortunately we've had members ripped off for considerable sums and it appears that long standing but infrequent posters are one of the riskier type to buy from.'
Which as you can see by the date includes little ol' me :(
And I was looking top buy !
You could start a thread asking whether P38 diesels or petrols are better. Answer each post and you should be OK before lunch tomorrow.

Struggle to see why they ever fitted a generator engine to a prestige model.:D

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