Dont mind keeping it tbh just ideally need a more suitable daily

you should put up for 6500 ONO that way when somebody offers you still get more than what you wanted. really smart wagon and I think stupidly cheap at what she is advertised at!! don't let them say nowt as they are trying to get cheaply than what you have her at they are vultures at times. hang on in there put price up abit that is beautiful i'd say!!!! :eek:
alot of people like standardish looking vehicles, this looks like its been taken to alot of pay and play type sites and the style of photos are not helping you.

Go out to a forest, make sure you have cleaned it, take out any just and get some GOOD photos.

ensure there are no other vehicles, that pic of it next to a b1h isnt doing you any favours.

Also the one of it in the street surrounded by tools.... not good!

And the one looking at the cubby.. theres loads of crap in the car, tidy it!
also dont take this the wrong way but the item description on ebay is... poor

You need to make it sound more like a cherished family member. The present description makes it sound like its been abused I am afraid.
surprised you got £5100 offer for it.

bulkhead needs patching, gearbox is broken, doors on the way out and tht's just what you know. :)

i'd get it relisted again asap as the weather is about to kick in so you could get a panic sale
Cheers for advice vilguy , suppose tye pics arnt doing it any favours only done 1 and a half pay n play days half the day fixing my mates and 1 green laning event , any advice on exactly whats wrong with the add on ebay? Shes has been looked after by me spent most weekends tinkering or doing something like most landy owners i suppose.
Live in the city cant really say theres a forest local to take pics really , pics are a bit crap she is washed regularly under and over , and after the 2 pay and plays been steam cleaned under neath on a ramp
Cheers for advice vilguy , suppose tye pics arnt doing it any favours only done 1 and a half pay n play days half the day fixing my mates and 1 green laning event , any advice on exactly whats wrong with the add on ebay? Shes has been looked after by me spent most weekends tinkering or doing something like most landy owners i suppose.

Capital letters and spelling. To be honest that puts me off when I look at stuff on ebay, especially when there is a big decision to make.

As for pics, just clean it properly and then take as many pictures as ebay will let you add. People like to see as much as they can before making a decision. Def agree that the one with tools around it looks like it is broken!
I sold mine on ebay a while back. I think your price is ok to be honest. Mine was a 93 200tdi that was specced similar to yours and was a great motor and I got £4.5 I think. I got loads of interest with people asking for extra pics, mainly of the underneath. Bare in mind its almost snow time and there's nothing like a bit of snow to get them selling.
To be honest I think I've been very luck with ebay, not had anyone not buy the item, even if it's a month later and they're idiots.
So they bid and just didn't turn up then?
Bid won n was highest bidder , ect ect and just hasnt turned up ideally needed it gone today can drop it by a bit if gone today aswell if not i miss out on something i want that i organised but let down by thos stupid ebay guy
the pics show it has been off roaded which is what it is for, but let someone else find that out by taking it there, the one with the tools is a no no ! also the dirty ones too, get it cleaned and took to a park or summat, 2 miles any where will find a field or grass i am sure,
also the add on ebay, look at others to modify yours

Good luck!!
Having had a look thru your build thread I actually really like it, apart from the roll bar thingy. Does that come off easy?
Rollcage not that hard to take off tbh just not got anything to lift it off , and still got it need to relist on ebay but not really in a rush now
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