
New Member
fook it,fook it,fook it,fook it,car passed mot today:)but spent another £70 on getting a-frame ball joint changed thinking it may cure my transmission clunk(there was 2mm play when lifted with pry bar)well clunks still there:mad:its occurs mostly when light braking coming to a standstill but even when normal driving the car feels like somethings holding it back.i,ve noticed you can,t shift it into difflock.(its solid)is there any chance its still locked and i,m driving with difflock on?what does wind up on transmission mean?noise seems to be coming from centre /front of car any help much appreciated cheers craig
My discovery seems to do this too....

Ive checked the UJ's and they seem fine, it does seem to have a fair amount of 'play' in the transfer box, my diff lock light isnt on, so im guessin its not locked in, so im at a bit of a loose end with it too.

Maybe someone else has had this problem. Like your discovery its when coming to a stop, it makes a clonking noise, I have done varying searches and UJ's always come up as first port of call but as these are ok, whats to check next????
Which ones could cause that??

The noise seems very mechanical not like a worn suspension bush.

Its a tough one and hard to describe over a forum, Il just have to have another roll around under it..........

Might find soething wrong....
Just edited me post before you replied:doh:
If ye say that you've checked yer uj's etc, ah'd be tempted to look at the drive flanges and half shafts (if it's the same set up as a defender).;)
Yeah a discoverys just the same as a defender, thinking of CV joints or drive flanges.....

Its definately a front end noise i think :) Only happens when you slow to a halt, its like something loading up then unloading with torque, if you get what i mean.

Il have a another look when its daylight.

Thanks for the quick replys though m8, its nice to have a 2nd opinion.
Yeah a discoverys just the same as a defender, thinking of CV joints or drive flanges.....

Its definately a front end noise i think :) Only happens when you slow to a halt, its like something loading up then unloading with torque, if you get what i mean.

Il have a another look when its daylight.

Thanks for the quick replys though m8, its nice to have a 2nd opinion.
Nae wurries, let us know how ye get on mate;) :D
will do.....

Not quite sure the best way to check it but il get it up on axle stands, whip each of one the wheels off, that'l at least tell me how much each of the hubs will turn before the prop does.... LOL
What year?

200 tdi's and early 300 tdi's had a problem with the imput cog jobby in the transfer box wearing the splines on the gearbox shaft. Rectified with a cross drilled cog (for lubrication) for £45 snakes but if yeh gearbox splines are are already knacked yeh stuffed!!
My 1995 300tdi was doing it before my box went bang, changed box and T/F imput gear and it was magic afterwards!

Hope for your sake it's not the case but bear it in mind.
Easiest way to check yer drive flanges is.. jack the motor up, remove dust cover from flange and gently move the wheel back and forth to see if there's any play between the flange and shaft.;)
Cheers folks i will have a look tomoro, if it is the box its not the end of the world..... Not too hard to swap!!!

I will check those flanges first :)

I will let you know how i get on!!
What year?

200 tdi's and early 300 tdi's had a problem with the imput cog jobby in the transfer box wearing the splines on the gearbox shaft. Rectified with a cross drilled cog (for lubrication) for £45 snakes but if yeh gearbox splines are are already knacked yeh stuffed!!

You could weld the two together, kind of fooks it up if you need a recon later mind, cheeper than a gearbox overhaul, and you dont have to take it out.
yes mate all oils are ok(martinbird hit the nail on the head when he said its like something loading up then unloading at a precise time when your braking)martinbird does your clunk only appear once like mine?do the revs jump slightly?if so it sounds like we,ve got the same prob mate i too will check drive shafts.speak to you all later cheers craig
A young lady brought a Ford Fester to us once and said there was a clunk every time she set off and every time she came to a halt. We removed he bottle jack from the boot and the problem was cured!

Ok, I'm off now, I'll get me coat.
bottle jack LOL...........

Revs only dont seem to change TBH, not that i have noticed.....

Front shafts seem ok, im thinking its the transfer box........

Gearbox has been a bit crunch on the 2nd and 3rd so il be on the look out for a recon...
dunno how to tell m8, it could be, well worth considering and makes sense, bit hard to check though....

New box i guess........ covers all avenues then.....

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