why not have 2 tanks, original wiv some white diesel in (only enuff so that it does not leak) and then the one in the rear that is hidden wiv red in it? Or is that bein to dishonest?
we used to be allowed 5% cherry in the lines, as we were using our diesel off road and then off road and that was allowed for the switchover. I think these days you need to run red or plain, I don't think mixing is an option....

That said if getting caught is unlikely who is gonna check you lines...I didn't say that....I'd blame the PO
thing is i could get red from mah dads farm (use for running generator and forklifts/bucket loaders) but i couldn't get away with having too much
they check yer fool lines up these ways aparently, were too many dodgers with the second hidden tank!!

me lightweight has it's fuel tank sittin in the rear tub, parently it a RR tank but dont quote me on that, it fits ok just bolted down. it were a truck cab so the tank was still external. takes up a lot of space like, i'd rather fit i somewhere else.
my full idea is to fit it behind the rear bulkhead and box it in, then build a stoorage box for tools and the like the full width of the tub above it mount speakers in the top of it (the bit thats not the lid) its not like i don't have enough room in the back its a 109 so even with a 20" takn in there it will leave me as much room as an 88" but i will have the extra storeage in the box

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