
New Member
Just a bit of a vent (and to also look for advise).....

Took land rover off road a few weeks ago. Drove it back from where we were offroading to home which is about 50 miles. No worries (apart from autobox dumping oil).

Last few days have had the death wobble around 30-40mph. No worries I thought, we'll just balance the wheels. Ah - nearly half a rim of weight but we got there in the end.

Took it for a drive and it is exactly the same. My next plan is to put front wheels on back and backs on front. That will tell if maybe tyre is fooked?

Failing that I'll then have to look at swivels, bushes, etc...

Bushes were all brand new poly about 18 months ago. Swivels were done 28 months ago so may look at them.

Anyone had experience with ye olde death wobble?? :eek:
all of the above , did have the same symptoms with old 90 once and turned out to be the uj's on the steering column to steering box shaft (fook knows what its called and too ****ed to bother doing a search :p):rolleyes:
Right so jacked up front. Both wheels move in the 12 and 6 o'clock position. About 1/8".

You can see the brake disc move.

Foot on the brakes and everything tightens up.

I say swivel bearings. Any more for any more??
if your foot on brake tightens up play it is wheel bearing more than swivel

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