
New Member
Hi all.
Probably been answered a few times?
Have 2012 feeelander. Been having issues with battery so needed replacing.. Fob was unresponsive so opened usual way with key a d cable jump started car.. mechanic replaced new car battery and reported fob still unresponsive on buttons. ?. So thinking batteries might be the cause got a locksmith to supply and reprogram new fobs.. none of the fobs seem to work? Locksmith stated all sending correct signals? But now I have lotsa fobs that don't open or lock the car? Rather than dealers charging a fortune to tell me it could be this or that... does anyone have an idea of a simple check u can make. Thanks I advance...
If the old fobs have stopped working, then it's likely the batteries have failed in them. Presumably you are inserting them with the buttons uppermost?
The fobs also can be repaired for about £45 per fob (there a guy on another forum who has done hundreds) and includes new cases too.

I wasn't aware that key places could do Freelander 2 fobs. As far as I'm aware, new fobs need programming by an LR dealer using JLR SDD, which is LR's diagnostic equipment.
Yep autolocks do new fobs 2 new and programmed 240... the old ones needed to be broken apart and resoldered.. all keys sending signal but none open or close vehicle.. all work to start vehicle.. hoping next move of replacing receiver works other wise stumped....
If the fobs are transmitting the correct code, then the receiver needs testing or replacing.
What diagnostic equipment have you been using?

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