
New Member
Just bought a sat nav with fm transmitter to play mp3's and hand free calls through the car stereo but am experiencing a high pitch sound have done some research and it would appear it has something to do with grounding any help sorting this out would be great (i have no idea what grounding is).
Have you tuned your car stereo to the frequency of the fm transmitter of the sat nav ???. I had something similar a few years ago what I did was to play something say on your sat nav then try tuning your car stereo until it picks up what is playing on your sat nav. Just a thought.:)
its on the same frequency and its on a frequency that isn't used by any available radio stations but there is a high pitched sound in the background.
its on the same frequency and its on a frequency that isn't used by any available radio stations but there is a high pitched sound in the background.

Thats strange. The grounding your talking about is I think earthing the sat nav but how you would do this I've not got a clue.
The high pitched noise is a something to go with the current from the cigarette being played over the radio frequency due to it all being earthed at the same point. there is no background noise if you dont have it pluged in the 12v socket. i have bought a cb/stereo noise filter wait and see how effective it is.
The noise filter did nothing i bought it second hand from ebay so dont know if its faulty but wouldn't recommend. Also gave the sat nav its own earth which didn't help either. gone back to beginning and the high pitch noise doesn't seem so noticeable there is obvious background noise when no music is playing but think you get that with any fm channel thats not transmitting so. the only thing i done which might have helped is sprayed the battery terminal with contact cleaner. would like to clean the cars earth point but it looks like its under the e box and cant be bothered to mess about with it to much.

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