
New Member
It appears that my headlights and dash lights are flickering on my 95 4.6 HSE. Having just replaced the alternator and checked all of the connections several times I am starting to get concerned about the poor old girl! Is there anyone that would be able to diagnose the problem with her?? No faults have come up, but I worry every time I drive it now that something will go wrong:crutch:


Ps. Obviously this doesn't happen when the lights aren't on!
check with a meter you do not have ac voltage coming out of alternator, if you do it indicate blown diode on bridge rectifier. also copy of rave and clean your earths.
NO, but battery was new in July and had been topped up just before he checked the alternator. It has gone flat a couple of times since new because of rf receiver, which I have now changed for the updated version. I fully charged the battery when I changed the alternator.
try the plug at the back of the switch for lichts as this controls both lights and dash lights!!!

had a similar problem on an escort where you had to twist the stalk to put lights on then flick the stalk to get em to light up!!!

if it's the switch it's probably just a case of cleaning the plug and making sure its on tight!!!

EDIT: obviously i meant lights rather than lichts, because as far as i'm aware lichts is complete bollox!!!:eek:
if its the battery i assume it would do the same with engine turned off but lights turned on??? try it see what happens and let us know?

does it also do the same when the car is revved? is there any point at which it gets worse/better when revved?
so that could be the alterator? what about the interior lights? basically does any of the other lights do the same or is it limited to the driving lights and dash!!

also as above try them all with ignition on but engine off! the battery shouldnt pulse it would just light dimly!!
I had my alternator checked and "Overhauled" a couple of years ago together with the starter motor as I was fitting a new engine and thought that it was best to get them looked at by a Company who specialise in repairs.
When I got the car running I noticed that the das lights were pulsing approx. every 2secs and when the headlights were on, they did the same. Checked the output voltage and it was surging to around 17 volts. Rather than risk possible damage to the ECU's and other equipment, I ordered, and fitted a new alternator from Paddocks and the problem disappeared immediately after it was fitted. I suggest you get the alternator replaced a.s.a.p.-if it's new, get the supplier to replace it under warranty.
I checked the car last night and I don't thinkmit is the switch, lights were not pulsing with the engine switched of only when running. This makes me think that it is the alternator not putting out a consistant voltage. I didn't fit a new one at the time as it never occured to me that this would happen, also I have mainly driven the car in daylight so wouldn't have noticed! I think I'll have the alternator checked over by my local independent guy (can't afford to go to the stealers anymore!) to see if it is the problem. I only paid £40 for the 2nd hand alternator from a breaker so no huge loss if it is the problem.

more than likely the alternator is phuked, i would plump for a new one, i assume the alternator is the correct one for the car, dunno if any other rovers use the same alternator although i suspect they will!!
Alternator came off a p38 4.6 HSE! I'll have it checked and then probably have to fork out for a new one. I can get one for about £100!

I bought mine (New-not recon) from Paddocks about 3 years ago. Cost me approx. £115 including shipping to Ireland and I have had no problems with it....shouldn't say that should I, with a P38!!!!

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