
Active Member
Hi everyone,
Just wondering is it possible for me to disconnect this flexi brake pipe without ruining the copper pipe above?
Do I just undo the lower nut?
Thank you any help much appreciated!
when you undo the pipe fitting it will either undo or twist the copper pipe meaning replacement you wont know till you try
Ok! Thanks James! I have a feeling I’ll be replacing everything!! In fact everything I touch needs replacement!!
My ex 110 had a rear brake cylinder leak and by the time I got a brake pipe to open properly, I was at the master cylinder. The joint you are opening is usually the best one for success but I would get the wd40 on the bleed nipples as well and maybe give them a test to see if they will open.
Tip, when it starts to undo wiggle it back and fore a bit and spray more plus gas at it. If you go for it in one you can get lock up and twist up of brake pipe further down the thread.
Hi everyone!
Success! Got the flexi pipes off yesterday without destroying the copper pipe!! Very pleased indeed!
The flare spanner, lube, and the forward and back motion did the trick :)
Before I put it all back together im replacing the dampers / springs etc, the clippers and the track rod ends......
I expect i'll be back for more tips, but in the meantime thanks again for the fantastic tips :)))
I have bench mount flaring tool very good but not when it to big to get under a wing, so I invested in one of these on car tools works well, and it stops all the worry about will it or wont it undo with out damage

I have bench mount flaring tool very good but not when it to big to get under a wing, so I invested in one of these on car tools works well, and it stops all the worry about will it or wont it undo with out damage

View attachment 216200
Yes thank you. I did consider getting one when I ruined my clutch pipe, but I've just brought new one ready made. They are not that expensive and I know all the bits will fit!! But yes, one for my christmas list :)) So far I have managed to save all the brake pipes!!
I got mine as my big one would not go under the wing and as I was replacing both my rear wheel brake pipes it was simply to tight to get a made up pipe to go in the last clip before i then bends down to go in the caliper unless I started to undo and lift the body off the chassis, so I fed the pipe unflared between the body and chassis through the clip out the other side, and bent it down to the caliper, leaving a decent spare end

but as the say,... any tool you buy is an investment to keeping you landrover going , and out of a garage
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