In fairness £6 is excessive for postage on a sticker but a simple call asking them to pop int into a £2 packet would be more constructive than this…..

Doc Flatdog is very clear in there site about shipping.

It says all oders under 100 quid is a 5 quid shipping fee.

All orders over 100 quid free shipping.

If I can figure it out :rolleyes: it is there in plain view .

OP just spitting is dummy
Flatdog are good as gold. Although I did find it cheeper to get thier croc boxes off paddocks:)
....Then postage. Minimum available option? £5. For a sticker. Except that's plus "VAT" too. That's "VAT" on postage, which doesn't exist. .....

Royal Mail does NOT charge VAT on postage stamps.

However a VAT registered company does HAVE TO CHARGE VAT ON POSTAGE Yes it does exist

Taken from HMRC

1 What is this notice about?
This notice explains how VAT applies to charges made for postage and delivery services.

1.4 Aren’t postal charges exempt from VAT?
Postal services provided by the Post Office are exempt from VAT, but this exemption does not extend to similar services provided by other suppliers, even where this might be seen as being in direct competition with the Post Office. However, if any delivery charge you make to your own customers includes the cost of stamps you buy from the Post Office you may have to charge VAT on the whole amount including the cost of those stamps.

fook me.. some noobs have got attitude. Still why the hell would you want to put stickers on your car? Isnt sticking high viz stuff on your car a bit freelanderish?

And as for sticking hi viz stickers on your GSA fookin ell... why dont you just wear a hi viz loser vest whilst your at it!
fook me.. some noobs have got attitude. Still why the hell would you want to put stickers on your car? Isnt sticking high viz stuff on your car a bit freelanderish?

And as for sticking hi viz stickers on your GSA fookin ell... why dont you just wear a hi viz loser vest whilst your at it!

Bless you for taking the time to be funny.

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