
Hi all ,have posted this one before but never got to the bottom of it,and thought like many a thanks to lr guy for helping this forum out with his expert knowledge and that he might maybe give me a clue on this one or someone else who's had similar, so every now and then my engine management mill light flashes on and off while running [looks like an engine sign lamp] it will stay on for a long time sometimes but on a long run never comes on , it never has any effect on the motor and had it for bout 2 years now i just ignore it , but there must be a reason, any clues, and don't say take the bulb out [know wot I'm gonna get now] thanks earthlings. . .:)
My Brother had this very same problem on his car. Engine management light was on some days and off on others. Made no difference to the running of the car but in his mind it bothered him. He took the car to Peugeot and they diagnosed a faulty sensor and had to remap the engine management for some reason. Cost him a few hundred quid for peace of mind.
Must be hard to ignore though. The fear of potential long term damage must be a mind f**k.
nothin springs to mind but the mil is only used when there is an emmision problem, ie overfuelling, so could you have a sligght misfire under load, air leak or possibly faulty lambda sensor so many things could create a fuelling fault :(

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