
New Member
Hi guys, my 13 reg fl2 has a USB port in the centre console which I presumed should charge my phone (says in manual) However I’ve discovered whilst connected and using google maps for navigation it actually still drains the iPhone battery. The cable appears to be fine as I’ve used it in the wife’s car and it charges the phones fine.

Anyone else come across this or know what the problem might be? We’re travelling to Scotland soon and so desperately need the power to charge our devices.

Any advice much appreciated.

i blame apple, the FL2 is not an authorised accessory.

it must be fused, check that, phones are that smart these days it may not charge if the supply is not right, current or voltage could be to too low or high and the phone switch off the charging circuit?
i blame apple, the FL2 is not an authorised accessory.

it must be fused, check that, phones are that smart these days it may not charge if the supply is not right, current or voltage could be to too low or high and the phone switch off the charging circuit?

It’s not that the phone doesn’t charge, it does when just plugged in or using as an music player, it just doesn’t charge when using google maps for GPS. I’m guessing the power used for that is greater than what is being supplied via the usb?
It’s not that the phone doesn’t charge, it does when just plugged in or using as an music player, it just doesn’t charge when using google maps for GPS.

You have the wrong phone. Google maps makes the I phone work harder, because it has to run IOS and an additional patch bit of software to run the mapping from Google. Buy an Android, which has Google maps embedded and save all this Apple ring-fence BS they keep forcing there users to suffer. ;)
You have the wrong phone. Google maps makes the I phone work harder, because it has to run IOS and an additional patch bit of software to run the mapping from Google. Buy an Android, which has Google maps embedded and save all this Apple ring-fence BS they keep forcing there users to suffer. ;)

Interesting theory. So if i use Apple maps instead would this solve the problem?

Ok I might end up in a river somewhere but at least my phone will be charged.
Just buy a more powerful USB power socket adapter, a 2Amp one will do. Then it'll supply more than the 500mA the factory USB socket can supply. ;)

Thanks for that, just ordered a Belkin 2.4 amp car charger. Hopefully will do the trick.

I also tried Apple maps GPS and interestingly the phone does charge as normal, so correct that Google maps requires the extra power. Bonkers.
also tried Apple maps GPS and interestingly the phone does charge as normal, so correct that Google maps requires the extra power. Bonkers

Only if you have an I phone. This is down to Apple having a completely ring-fenced ecosystem. To run any Google application, the I phone has to run an Android emulator, which uses more power.
Running Google maps on an Android, uses almost no extra power, as Google applications are embedded, so will still charge from a standard 500mA USB socket. ;)

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