
New Member
This is aimed at FL2 owners, so if you're not, look away now!

Anyone with an early FL2 (07 to 58 I guess) that has the radio + bluetooth phone system, could you tell me if it's calling behaviour is as quirky as mine?

When I make a call, there are no ringing tones or confirmation, I only get audio when the call is answered. It's really disconcerting - silence then "Hello!"

I've driven a 10 plate and 60 plate when mine was in for some warranty work and they don't do this. Is it just my radio or is this normal? Anybody know if the radio needs a software update like there rest of the vehicle - it all seems to be software controlled nowadays. Shame really, I do like poking screwdrivers and spanners at things.
Just for info - I fitted an Alpine stereo to my FL1 (ok, I know you said FL2 only), but my stereo does have bluetooth and I do get sounds prior to the call being answered.

I would have thought that this was pretty standard? Have you tried deleting the pairing and then re-pairing the devices? Is there a s/w update/patch for the bluetooth in your stereo?

Just some thoughts.....
check on the LR website, there is a list of compatible phones - not on the list, doesn't mean it won't work but some functions may not be implemented. ie phone book.

Our 08 HSE works well with Sony800 and iphone 3GS - connects well 95% of the time, displays phone book.

When you make a call from the steering controls or handset you do here the ring etc.
Call failed gives you the silent treatment but that is possibly just the iphone.

Had a 10 plate when mine was in for service - works exactly the same.

Some are having a real pig getting thiers to connect properly - can't say we have any issues.

WARNING if you are part way through a call, arrive at your destination, turn the engine off and continue the call you will not be able to start the car the next day. Even though you finish the call normally the radio/bluetooth continues to search for the phone all night. The radio display looks blank, but continues to draw power.
Either finish the call before turning the engine off, or after finishing the call restart the engine briefly.
SWMBO really does pull my leg about the 3 times we have had to jump start the newish FL2 from her old Micra :(
thanks for the info.

I get both my Blackberry and other half's iPhone4 to work, make calls, do the phonebook thing etc, it's just the lack of ring tones, engaged tones or call progression which is unnerving. Works fine on later model FL2, it must be just my system. Both phones behave the same, so I am guessing that its the radio unit, not the handset.

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