Sunday, weather fine and off to Coventry to see a decent game of Rugby.
Used M6 Toll to avoid any possible delays whilst they're closing jcn 10 of M6.
Bit of a queue southbound, paid contactless by card, CBA for getting receipt.
About 3 hours later heading north, left hand lane / kiosk no vehicles so again straight through, contactless, no receipt requested.
Checked out bank account today, £6.10 for southbound journey, £10.90 for northbound!
Charging I believe is decided by a scanner as you approach, so on the one journey I was a class 2, being 2 axles with height of less than 1.3m over front axle, to a class 5 on return, more than 2 axles with height over front axle greater than 1.3m!
Just measured bonet height over front axle = 1.15m!
Needless to say no lift kits, spare wheel on bonnet or helium filled tyres!
Needless to say a letter of complaint has been raised! Will be interesting to see response!
How many folk would not check and just pay and suffer the daylight robbery!


  • Screenshot 2021-10-12 at 05.23.48.png
    Screenshot 2021-10-12 at 05.23.48.png
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