
Hi there Landy lovers,

Its me again. As i stated before, im quite new and proud owner of a Fl1L series so im facing some issues that i need to here advice from all you.

My Fl is making a "wwwrrooouummm" sound when i reach 110km/h. If i go below or above that speed, the sound is not there. If i drive at 110km/h it stays.

Everithig rest with the dif's and bearings is ok.

Any idea where this sound can come from? And how to sort that out?

Thanks in advance and regards

I think yes, i bought 4 new General grubber gt 3 months ago. I also did the balancing. It sounds more like a metal on metal sound.

Any idea?
If your FL1 is the one in your profile's like the twin sister of mine :)
Mine's an L series too...without metallic noises at 110 km/h. Could it be generated by the VCU rubber damper with cracks of some sort?
Some bearings in the IRD? I never experienced issues with it -luckily- but I know they tend to be noisy after some stress is put on them, e.g. towing or running with a VCU which has to be changed
New update Gents.

On this clip(from0:20sec) you can see that the sound is there when i reach around 2800rpm even when the car is in place(not driving)
Can the problem be in the engine mounts, air filter or maybe the engine is missing gas or air flow in that point and is not resulting with good working??

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